Tom Price for Conference Chairman

Tom Price is the former Republican Study Committee Chairman who is now running for conference chairman within the House Republican Conference.

His opponent is Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers of Washington State. She has a HAFA score of 56%, 10 points lower than the House Republican average. Rep. Price, however, a 78% score, twelve points higher than the House Republican average.

Speaker Boehner is pushing McMorris Rodgers because he thinks the face and voice of the conference should be from the left of the House GOP conference.

A buddy of mine supporting Congressman Price called earlier to let me know Jeb Hensarling and Paul Ryan are both supporting Tom Price. One of the other congressional offices also sent along a video Congressman Price prepared for his bid. It’s worth taking a look:

Believe it or not, these fights matter. If you talk to your Republican congressman, ask him/her to support Congressman Tom Price for Conference Chair.

Let’s not go wobbly. We know our ideas work. We know Tom Price knows our ideas work.


  • bgintn

    Erick sir, two from GA.?
    Tom Graves and now Tom Price, you are on a roll.

  • revtm

    I have to point out something here, in 2 of the 4 swing states where we LOST vote totals from 2008 tea party backed challengers ousted sitting chairmen who helped lead the sweep in 2010, and in a third we lost the sitting chairman to scandal. So lets not necessarily kill the establishment as they are the ones who seem to understand the GOTV operations.

  • becky5

    You’ve got to be kidding. There isn’t a single Republican committee chairman who helped lead the 2010 sweep — that was the tea party. That sweep happened *despite* the Republican establishment, not *because*of it.

    The Republicans leadership, such as it is, always pick the hack politicians who tow the party line to head the committees. Boehner’s endorsement of McMorris Rodgers over Price demonstrates this yet again.

    If this party doesn’t purge itself of Boehner, McConnell, Rove and the other hacks who stand for absolutely nothing except their own quest for power and perks then the whole thing is over. Even more Republicans will sit out elections.

  • revtm

    no offense becky but the tea party is taking way more credit for 2010 than they deserve, it was establishment republicans who won almost across the board, the tea party cost us Delaware, Nevada, in the senate and sevearl other seats.

    As for purging the Boehners and McConnells and Rove’s you go right for that, and watch our wonderful party disappear.

  • ke1258

    What is with Boehner?!!