
Elections Have Consequences Watch: Scenes From The Layoff Wars. (NSFW)

I hope to God that all those anecdotes won’t also end up being backed up by the data, but not as much as the administration should be hoping:

Death spiral: Hours cut, workers pushed to part-time due to Obamacare; ‘They keep cutting my hours’

…note I said ‘administration.’ The President’s off playing golf this weekend. Again.

Moe Lane

PS: I’m sorry for anybody losing hours/take-home pay because their bosses have decided that they can’t afford to keep more full-time workers.  Even the folks so affected who voted for Obama (they might have dependents, pets, whatnot).  But to the ones who did vote for Obama and who are now getting screwed by Obamacare, I do have a suggestion that’s ripped right off of the Marxists: vote your fucking class interest next time, folks.


  • acat says:

    Low information voters turned this election.
    Specifically, voters who don’t understand enough to go get the information about what would be in the best interest of their class.
    {copulate} ‘em.
    (cat is taking the “let it burn” position at this time)

  • Spegen says:

    Already hearing them blame “greedy” businesses instead of daring to suggest that it may, just possibly be the fault of the democrat party.
    That’s what I would like to see in the next election, contrast the supposed “caring” of the democrats, with the real outcomes and how they really hurt people.

  • qixlqatl says:

    I’m out of a job. *shrug* Doesn’t even bother me (no dependents and alternative means of support) I won’t be comfortable for a while, but I’ll survive just fine…and I won’t be paying any taxes in to support Obama’s fiascoes, either.
    Acat, I’m pretty much with you…and almost to the “throw gasoline” point, too… (no, not really. tempting, but no)

  • qixlqatl says:

    Apparently, some of those liberal idiots are now going to boycott Applebee’s and Papa John’s to protest hiring freezes and layoffs…. ‘cuz, obviously, hurting their businesses is just what’s needed to get them to maintain or increase staff…. SMH

  • Cameron says:

    My rant a while back was along these lines: “If you supported Obamacare and are now seeing your hours cut or your taxes raised, kindly shut up because I don’t want to listen to you.”
    Acat, count me in to have another can of gasoline.

  • mbecker908 says:

    Barack will fix it. As soon as he gets off the golf course.

  • jetty says:

    @acat – Look at Once Great Britain – 20 years of liberal policies have made that place a nightmare. Yet nobody says “Wow, we really screwed up by electing Labour all those years.” Same thing here. If Obama would be president for 20 more years, people (and by people, I mean the mainstream media) would still be blaming Bush/Republicans/Tea Party for all of our problems.
    So, yeah, let it burn.

  • Phil Davis says:

    I work in IT for a large company that dispatches temporary labor (I suppose I should not mention any names). We’ve diversified somewhat from our day labor origins but that’s still the company’s bread and butter.

    As of now we dispatch roughly 600,000 people a year and we have *no* guidance on how the Obamacare work/insurance rules will apply to us. Just one change such as making sure nobody exceeds 30 hours a ‘week’ (there’s a lot of question on how you even measure the workweek at this point) is really going to hammer a lot of our temps, and there’s a whole thicket of other ambiguous ‘too be determined’ rules right behind that. I have my doubts we can pull a waiver as the unions hate us with a purple passion, so it looks like we will be in for ‘interesting times’. Heh, I guess this is where i find out if anybody else from my company reads you Moe.

  • Jack_Savage says:

    This is very sad. Sometimes you can’t hold someone back who is dead set on laying their face on a hot stove burner In that case, there’s only one thing that will help.

  • Catseyes says:

    Yep lots of strong drink. Considering buying a crossbow and taking up hunting at least I’ll be able to put meat on the table. I expect things to get really bad.

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