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The Smiths Spend WAY Too Much

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Published on Nov 1, 2012 by

Is it fair to spend so much today that our kids are massively in debt when they grow up? That's the question facing the Smith family in the video.

Our video may be light-hearted, but the subject is serious. All this spending and debt weighs down our economy and threatens America's ability to protect itself in a volatile world. When we owe so much to China and other countries, we owe it to ourselves to spend less and start balancing the budget.

For more information on how we can balance our budget, please visit:


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  • you can increase revenue from the private sector by getting more people hired to the private sector(they become taxpayers you see). You can get more people hired to the private sector if you decrease the amount of taxes corporate entities have to pay, and decreasing regulations, and gutting government positions that can be taken over by the private sector(because in the private sector people actually work hard for a living)

  • welfare pimps, whores, sluts are convulsing

  • When will it ever get through your thick skulls that Republicans ARE going to try to increase revenue by adding taxpayers by creating jobs? Liberal ideologues are completely blind to the "out-of-the-box" idea.

  • Historically, revenue never goes much higher than 20% of GDP. Doesn't matter the tax rate, either. 91% top tax rate = 20% of GDP as revenue. 28%? 20% of GDP.

    Want more revenue? BUILD THE GDP!

    So yeah, you're 100% right.

  • cutting spending is an obvious component, but increasing revenue can only be successful done properly, and that's not raising taxes, but increasing the revenue base (in the past it's been done by allowing the private sector to create jobs & increase production) this administration's regulatory policies, failure to expand our resources while wasting money on failed 'green' energy is the wrong formula

  • Needs more facts, too short

  • If I were Mr. and Mrs. Smith, I woud cut spending and increase my revenue to solve my problem. Too bad the RSC doesn't see revenue as part of the solution. One-sided problem solving won't solve the problem at all.

  • Nice, short and simple.

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