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Republican Study Committee - Washington, DC

Republican Study Committee
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  1. RecommendationsSee All
    • Nikola Nikolic
      It's been an honor to work and be part of the team that supports Romney! I tried to be a support! Thanks to all my friends who have supported Mitt Romneys campaign! Mitt thank you for hope you gave us! Nikola Nikolic
    • Danna Drumm
      Video: Congress Needs To Hold Obama Accountable
    • Jim Duchman
    • Brian Griffiths
      Education? John Leopold? Baseball Players? World of Warcraft?!? We've got a bit of everything tonight. Join yours truly and Greg Kline at 8 for this week's Red Maryland Radio.
  2. DAILY DATA -- Building the Panama Canal cost about $8.7 billion in today’s dollars. The federal government will spend nearly twice as much ($16.3 billion) on local transit projects over the next decade.
  3. NATIONAL DEBT HURTS EVERYONE -- What kind of future do we expect to have as a country if we continue to overspend? We're at $16.2 trillion and rising everyday!
  4. DAILY DATA -- 32 million people were on Food Stamps when President Obama took office. Today, it’s about 47 million. In four years, the cost of the program has more than doubled.
  5. 51 - votes needed to pass a budget in the U.S. Senate
    50 - votes needed if the VP casts the tie-breaking vote
    60 - most votes controlled by Senate Democrats since Jan. 20, 2009
    53 - votes controlled by Senate Democrats today
    $5 trillion - growth of the national debt in last 3.5 years
    0 - budgets passed by Senate Democrats in last 3.5 years
    Photo: 51 - votes needed to pass a budget in the U.S. Senate
50 - votes needed if the VP casts the tie-breaking vote
60 - most votes controlled by Senate Democrats since Jan. 20, 2009
53 - votes controlled by Senate Democrats today
$5 trillion - growth of the national debt in last 3.5 years
0 - budgets passed by Senate Democrats in last 3.5 years
  6. THE LOWER THE TAXES, THE BETTER THE ECONOMY -- Let's make our tax code simpler, flatter, and fairer.
  7. GOVERNMENT SPENDING IS SURGING -- Did you know that during the eight years of the New Deal from 1933-1940, federal spending averaged 9.4% of GDP, but in the four most recent fiscal years, federal spending has averaged 24.1% of GDP? Let's balance our budget!
  8. PLEASE JOIN US FOR TODAY'S RSC FACEBOOK FORUM - Congressman Jeff Duncan will be on and off throughout most of the day answering your questions from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. EDT. We'll also get to some of the questions asked earlier in the week. If you've ever wanted to chat with a Member of Congress about what's going on with health care, energy policy, taxes, the debt, or another policy issue, now is your chance!
    Photo: PLEASE JOIN US FOR TODAY'S RSC FACEBOOK FORUM - Congressman Jeff Duncan will be on and off throughout most of the day answering your questions from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. EDT. We'll also get to some of the questions asked earlier in the week. If you've ever wanted to chat with a Member of Congress about what's going on with health care, energy policy, taxes, the debt, or another policy issue, now is your chance!
  9. REMINDER FOR OUR NEXT RSC FACEBOOK FORUM - Have you wanted to talk with a Member of Congress about health care policy or our debt? Then please join us tomorrow for an all day chat with Congressman Jeff Duncan or ask a question right now in this thread.
  10. $16 TRILLION IN DEBT IS A THREAT TO STRONG NATIONAL DEFENSE -- How can we expect to continue to have freedom and liberty if we eventually can't afford a strong national defense? Let's balance our budget!
  11. DAILY DATA -- 582,000 more people worked only part-time in September “because their hours had been cut back or because they were unable to find a full-time job,” according to BLS.
  12. ANNOUNCING OUR NEXT RSC FACEBOOK FORUM - Interested in talking with a Member of Congress about what's being done to prevent taxes from going up or to balance the budget? Or on any other policy? Then please join us this Thursday, October 25, for our next RSC Facebook Forum with Congressman Jeff Duncan. He will be answering your questions throughout that day.

    The live chat will take place in a new post on the Timeline of the Republican Study Committee page, but you can also leave a question in the comment section right here.
    Photo: ANNOUNCING OUR NEXT RSC FACEBOOK FORUM - Interested in talking with a Member of Congress about what's being done to prevent taxes from going up or to balance the budget? Or on any other policy? Then please join us this Thursday, October 25, for our next RSC Facebook Forum with Congressman Jeff Duncan. He will be answering your questions throughout that day.

The live chat will take place in a new post on the Timeline of the Republican Study Committee page, but you can also leave a question in the comment section right here.
  13. WELFARE NOW THE LARGEST FEDERAL EXPENSE -- Combined state & federal spending on 83 different welfare programs topped $1 trillion in FY 2011.

    We need to cut through the red tape, make our tax code simpler, flatter, and fairer, & tear down barriers to energy production. We must grow the economy - not the government - so everyone has the opportunity to be successful, happy, and independent.
  14. LET'S CUT OUR SPENDING NOW -- Government spending must be cut because it's unfair & immoral to pass this debt to our kids. RSC member Congressman Tim Huelskamp (KS-1) predicts we're just a few months away from hitting our debt limit. Isn't it time we balanced our budget?

Earlier in November

Earlier in October

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