U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham
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U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham - Washington, DC

U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham
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  1. Some people have asked me, 'Now that the election is over will you continue to look into what happened in Libya?'

    I promise you -- we will get to the bottom of what happened in Benghazi.
  2. LikesSee All
  3. Will be speaking with CNN tonight at 8:00 pm about the election results and issues the Senate needs to address in the coming weeks months.
  4. Great effort by Mitt and Ann Romney. You poured your heart into the race and we are proud of you.

    Congratulations Mr. President on your reelection. Sixty-three percent of Americans expect major changes on your part in a second term and I concur with their reasoning.

    If you stay on the same course, nothing will change. However, if you are willing to truly change many of us will be willing to work with you for the greater good.
  5. Boone Hall Avenue of Oaks
    Mount Pleasant, South Carolina

    Taken by Tommy Burkhalter
  6. During an unaired portion of his September 12th interview with 60 Minutes, President Obama refused to answer when asked if Benghazi was a terrorist attack. Now that this information has become public, it raises two very serious questions. ...

    First, the President contradicts the narrative he tried to create in the second presidential debate that he immediately called the deaths of Ambassador Stevens and three other Americans a terrorist attack. He didn’t. And for many days afterwards he continued to blame the Benghazi attack on a video.

    It also clearly goes against the false narrative peddled by Ambassador Susan Rice who took to the Sunday talk shows five days after the September 11th attack to say it was a riot based on a video. This video from CBS News, which only came to light yesterday, would have played an important role in setting the record straight and put to rest the false narratives the Obama Administration has tried to create.

    Second, for two out of the last three elections, CBS News reporting has created false impressions. CBS needs to do some serious self-evaluation and give serious consideration to appointing an independent body to look into this matter. There are many good reporters at CBS News who have to feel betrayed by not having full access to the President’s September 12th statements.

    Some CBS reporters have tried to report on the Benghazi debacle and have brought important information to light. Unfortunately, this important information was withheld from the American people who deserved to hear what President Obama said.
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  7. I'm very pleased the Tunisian government is working with American investigators to allow in person access to Ali Ani al Harzi. Under this arrangement the interviews will be under Tunisian supervision and consistent with their sovereignty a...
    nd meets the needs of our investigative team.

    Allowing American investigators in person access will make the interview more meaningful and is a welcome breakthrough in our efforts to find the perpetrators of the Benghazi Consulate attacks. This tight collaboration between our countries shows the growing strength of our partnership.

    It is unfortunate it has taken this long to get an in-person interview as time is of the essence in cases like this. We hope our interview of Ali Ani al Harzi will bear fruit and we can bring to justice those responsible for killing Ambassador Stevens and three other Americans.
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  8. Enough already, Mr. President. You need to address the American people and account for your leadership in the attack on our Consulate in Benghazi, Libya. You should explain to the American people what you knew, when you knew it, and what you did about it before, during and after the attack.

    It is wrong for you to repeatedly refuse to answer even the most basic questions about the death of Ambassa...
    dor Stevens and the three other Americans killed in Benghazi. The continued revelations about this debacle must be addressed.

    Today, CBS News reported that the counter-terrorism experts in the Counterterrorism Security Group (CSG) were not called upon for their advice as protocols require.

    Yesterday, Fox News reported the existence of an August 16 cable from Ambassador Stevens and our embassy in Libya detailing a meeting held a day earlier which discussed the rise of al-Qaeda in Libya. The cable noted that at least ten al-Qaeda splinter groups were identified to be operating in Benghazi. We now know two of these groups have been associated with the September 11th attack. In addition, the cable reported our consulate could not be defended from a coordinated attack and requested additional

    Mr President, the families of the fallen and the American people deserve nothing less than a full accounting of what happened. They deserve the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. The time for stonewalling, delaying, and denying are over.
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  9. In the middle of June, a convoy carrying the British Ambassador to Libya was attacked in Benghazi. Lieutenant Colonel Wood, an American who was part of our security team there, left the US Consulate within 20 minutes of the attack to come to the aid of the British. He extracted the wounded and helped get them to safety.

    I find it astonishing we had little difficulty in assisting the British withi...
    n 20 minutes of them being attacked – but somehow we were UNABLE to assist and help our FELLOW AMERICANS during the 7+ hour attack on our Consulate on September 11.

    I continue to press the Obama Administration for answers to these and other troubling questions about what happened before, during, and after the attack in Benghazi.
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  10. Will be speaking with Greta Van Susteren on Fox News tonight at 10pm about the situation in Libya.
  11. Our hearts go out to the people suffering from Hurricane Sandy.
  12. Mr. President, this is not good enough. You promised us transparency. You need to answer this and many other questions.

    Mr. President, the American people deserve answers.

    Please "Share" with your Friends on Facebook if you want President Obama and other members of the Obama Administration to answer questions about what happened before, during, and after the attack in Benghazi.
  13. Here is information for those of you interested in attending the National Christmas Tree Lighting in Washington.

    Registration for the ticket lottery begins Thursday, October 25th at 10:00 a.m. and closes at 10:00 a.m. Monday, October 29th. Lottery winners will be notified via email by Thursday, November 1st.
  14. I hope you will share your favorite, original photo of South Carolina with me for a chance to be selected as one of my Facebook cover photos. These photos, which will showcase the natural beauty of our state, landmarks, and people, can be sent to graham_facebook@lgraham.senate.gov. Please include your name and where the photo was taken. The photo must be taken by you.

    Help get the word out and “SHARE” with your friends.
  15. I respectfully disagree with the Department of Defense decision to classify the Fort Hood shooting as workplace violence. It’s not fair to the victims, and their families, for this incident to be described in that manner. Based upon what we...
    already know, this episode fits squarely into the realm of an act of terrorism.

    I will be working with my colleagues in the Senate to challenge this characterization by the Pentagon and push for an accurate description of the tragic incident that took place at Fort Hood. It was terrorism and it should be described that way.

    The difference in characterization between workplace violence and an act of terrorism is meaningful, in a variety of ways, to the victims and their families.

    Finally, under military law Major Hasan is presumed innocent. He will be vigorously defended by counsel and provided due process during his court martial.
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  16. will be a guest tonight on Fox News Channel with Sean Hannity to discuss the latest on Libya. Show airs at 9pm EST.
  17. Speaking with Charlotte's WBT Radio Brad and Britt Show about the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya.
    Photo: Speaking with Charlotte's WBT Radio Brad and Britt Show about the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya.

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