
The Committee on Ways & Means handles tax, health care, trade, welfare, and social security. The US Constitution requires that all bills regarding taxation originate in the House, and all bills regarding taxation must go through this committee.
About Me
Republican Members of Congress serving on the Ways and Means Committee include:

Dave Camp, Michigan, Chairman
Wally Herger, California
Sam Johnson, Texas
Kevin Brady, Texas
Paul Ryan, Wisconsin
Devin Nunes, California
Pat Tiberi, Ohio
Geoff Davis, Kentucky
Dave Reichert, Washington
Charles Boustany, Louisiana
Dean Heller, Nevada
Peter Roskam, Illinois
Jim Gerlach, Pennsylvania
Tom Price, Georgia
Vern Buchanan, Florida
Adrian Smith, Nebraska
Aaron Schock, Illinois
Lynn Jenkins, Kansas
Erik Paulsen, Minnesota
Kenny Marchant, Texas
Rick Berg, North Dakota
Diane Black, Tennessee

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