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Sunday, November 11, 2012


Oliver Luckett, center, with Jeff Pressman, left, and Kate McLean of theAudience. For its celebrity clients, the company aims to build armies of fans across the likes of Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Google Plus.
Monica Almeida/The New York Times

Oliver Luckett, center, with Jeff Pressman, left, and Kate McLean of theAudience. For its celebrity clients, the company aims to build armies of fans across the likes of Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Google Plus.

Oliver Luckett and his social media start-up, theAudience, offer celebrities a chance to build armies of fans across the likes of Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Google Plus.

Bits Blog

Apple Settles Patent Suit With HTC

Apple and HTC have brought an end to their lawsuits against each other, in the first settlement between Apple and a maker of Android smartphones.


Which Polls Fared Best (and Worst) in the 2012 Presidential Race

A number of firms that conduct their polls online had strong results. Some telephone polls also did well. But others, especially those that took methodological shortcuts, performed poorly.

Political Memo

With Digital Trail, an End to the Hushed Affair

Affairs are nothing new among Washington’s powerful, but in the digital age, it is nearly impossible to keep them from becoming splashy political scandals.


When a Palm Reader Knows More Than Your Life Line

Biometric data-gathering — from palm scans to facial-recognition software — is all the rage. But consumer advocates worry that the public may be losing privacy.

Digital Domain

A Race Against the Clock, Again, in Package Delivery

From 1998 to 2001, Kozmo.com offered free delivery within an hour. Now, some online merchants and their delivery partners are inching back toward that vision.

Yale Graduates Seek a Hip-Hop Degree

Rap Genius has found roadblocks on the way to the definitive lyric resource.

The Haggler

The Minutes Were Prepaid, but the Grief Was Free

A customer turned to the Haggler after prepaying for cellphone minutes — without knowing that there was a 90-day deadline for using them.

Corner Office

In Sports or Business, Always Prepare for the Next Play

Jeff Weiner of LinkedIn says the company follows the “next play” philosophy of Duke University basketball — that the team shouldn’t dwell on celebrating recent successes or lamenting failures.


How to Bridge the Hiring Gap

Many C.E.O.’s lament that recent college graduates lack specific, technical skills, but these employers should realize that a broad education has benefits, too.

Cultural Studies

Hurricane Sandy Reveals a Life Unplugged

For parents worried that their children may be spending too much of their young lives online, the storm provided a teachable moment.

The Media Equation

Publishers Abroad Take On Google

Publishers in Europe and South America have joined anew in the fight against Google, arguing that it is picking their pockets every time it links to articles.


Twitter’s Efficient Role in Guarding the Truth

During Hurricane Sandy, social media both delivered and distorted the story.

State of the Art

This Year, Gift Ideas in Triplicate

Let’s devote one column to three big touch-screen products: the Barnes & Noble Nook HD, the iPad Mini and Windows Phone 8.

Quiz: Don’t Google This

See whether you can answer a series of popular mobile Google queries — without reaching for your phone.



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