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Review & Outlook


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    A Mandate to Raise Food Prices

    By Rob Green
    The cause of higher grocery bills isn’t the drought. It’s the failed federal ethanol policy.

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    Time for a High-Tech Version of the National Guard

    By Ron Wyden and Andrew Rasiej
    A volunteer technology corps would have been a godsend in Hurricane Sandy’s aftermath.

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    Lots of Talk, Little Action on Medicare Fraud

    By George LeMieux
    Some government antifraud and antiabuse efforts are actually losing more money.

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    Notable & Quotable

    Bruce Bawer on universities and why the American miracle is fading into the mists of history.

  • The Tea Party, Version 1.0

    By Robert K. Landers
    Many American colonists joined the Sons of Liberty—lawyers and merchants as well as writers and tavern organizers.

  • Political Diary

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    What Does Buffett Really Think of Obama?

    The famous investor has picked an odd time to take issue with the president's second-term agenda

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    Christie's Political Relief

    By Allysia Finley
    New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie had better enjoy his post-hurricane honeymoon because he may have a big budget mess on his hands next year.

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    By Stephen Moore
    Behind closed doors, the White House and congressional Democrats want only one thing: higher taxes.

Best of the Web Today

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    The Power of One

    By James Taranto
    Labor unions face challenges from their own members.
    Tuesday 3:29 p.m. ET

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