Jose E. Serrano

Jose E. Serrano


Congressman representing the South Bronx, New York.

Bronx NY-Wash.DC ·

I'm proud to join Rep. Serrano and AM Stevenson in serving lunch to Far Rockaway families displaced by .

Great event yesterday for Jericho Project's grand opening of Kingsbridge Terrace. Housing for our veterans.

Estare en vivo desde el Bronx, New York en Noticias 1660 a las 2pm hora de Puerto Rico.

If you need disaster assistance immediately, contact FEMA at 1-800-621-3362 or the New York State Hurricane Sandy Helpline at 1-888-769-7243

I met another group of dedicated caring people doing a great job at the P.S. 211 Hurricane Evacuation Center in the . Thank you!

The staff that I met with at the I.S. 98 Hurricane Evacuation Center in the is doing a great job. We thank them all.

I met a wonderful group of people staffing the Storm Evacuation Center at P.S. 5, in the . Well organized and very caring. Thank You!

is the worst storm New Yorkers have ever seen. We will all come together to work on recovery efforts.

Visite varios supermercados en el Bronx. Mucha gente preparandose para comprando agua, leche, pan y otras necesidades.

Badirudi kargak luze hartuko duela.

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