  • 75 videos

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by Congresswoman Mazie K. Hirono

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  1. 3
    Thumbnail 0:54

    Happy Birthday, U.S. Army

    by CongresswomanHirono 121 views

  2. 8
    Thumbnail 1:29
  3. 9
    Thumbnail 1:04

    Equal Work, Unequal Pay

    by CongresswomanHirono 253 views

  4. 10
    Thumbnail 1:58
  5. 11
    Thumbnail 3:10
  6. 19
    Thumbnail 1:40
  7. 31
    Thumbnail 2:44

    Congresswoman Hirono on House Resolution 72

    by CongresswomanHirono 97 views

  8. 34
    Thumbnail 2:37
  9. 50
    Thumbnail 2:47
  10. 58
    Thumbnail 4:53
  11. 66
    Thumbnail 2:49

    Congresswoman Mazie Hirono's PRE-K Act of 2008

    by CongresswomanHirono 91 views

  12. 75
    Thumbnail 5:12

About Congresswoman Mazie K. Hirono


58 subscribers

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