Buerkle Statement on Syracuse Professor Being Appointed to Libya Panel

Oct 3, 2012 Issues: Foreign Affairs

Syracuse, NY – Representative Ann Marie Buerkle (NY-25) released the following statement regarding Catherine Bertini, a professor at the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs at Syracuse University and former undersecretary-general for management at the United Nations, who will be a member of the State Department’s Accountability Review Board investigating the murder of the U.S. Ambassador to Libya.

“The American people deserve answers regarding the situation that occurred in Libya. It is unconscionable that four Americans, including an Ambassador, could be killed and such little information can be provided over what happened.

“I am pleased that Chairman Issa will conduct a hearing to investigate the situation fully and hope that the State Department will cooperate fully. Throughout my first term in Congress, I have had the opportunity to meet with Catherine Bertini several times. Her vast experience and knowledge on foreign affairs will no doubt aid our ability to gain insight into the situation in Libya.”

Congresswoman Buerkle continued, “I am eager to hear what the State Department has to say so that we can answer the questions over what happened on September 11, 2012 and obtain justice for the four Americans who were killed.”