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Shimkus Salutes Madison County


Washington, DC - Congressman John Shimkus (R, Illinois-19) recognized Madison County, Illinois, on the occasion of its bicentennial by entering a statement into the permanent record of the United States House of Representatives.  While he is unable to attend Saturday’s celebration, he wishes everyone attending to enjoy the statue re-dedication and the parade in Edwardsville. 

The statement reads:  “Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor the 200th birthday of my home county, Madison County, Illinois. Situated in southwestern Illinois, Madison County is one of the fastest growing and most diverse counties in Illinois. Whether it is the suburban hustle and bustle of Collinsville and Godfrey, the rural small-town atmosphere of Grantfork and Alhambra, the industrial might of Granite City and Wood River, the farming communities around St. Jacob and Worden, the university neighborhoods of Edwardsville, the historic charm of Alton and Highland, or the new and expanding developments in Maryville and Bethalto, Madison County has something for everyone.

“Madison County is proud of its history, and optimistic about its future. Our county has produced towering figures of history, literally and figuratively: being home to Robert Wadlow, the world's tallest man, as well as the great Senator Paul Simon, jazz legend Miles Davis, and the abolitionist publisher Elijah Lovejoy. Our county was founded by Swiss, Italian, Hungarian, and Lithuanian immigrants. They farmed, mined, and worked in mills. Governor Ninian Edwards--for whom Edwardsville is named--chose President James Madison as our county's namesake.

“On behalf of the more than a quarter-million proud residents of Madison County, I invite you to visit and see the National Great Rivers Museum in Alton, our many historic Route 66 sites, the Piasa Bird outside Alton, and the Lewis and Clark Historic Site. The fine, hard-working men and women of all walks of life who make our communities and our county an excellent place to live, work and raise a family welcome you.

“I congratulate County Board President Alan Dunstan, and my many other friends and neighbors in Madison County on celebrating the bicentennial. May our home county continue to grow and prosper for another 200 years and beyond.”

This Congressional Record entry can be accessed online at http://thomas.loc.gov/r112/r112.html; September 12, 2012; Extension of Remarks; item number 34 (HTML) or page E1493 (PDF).
