Rep. Mark Critz

Rep. Mark Critz


Johnstown, PA ·

Thanks to all who attended my All-Academy Night! Plz contact my office for details on attending one of our military academies/ROTC progs.

I joined my colleagues in sending a ltr to USITC Commissioners expressing concern w/unfair trade practices by China in U.S. solar market.

I'm pleased to announce IUP has received a $231,000 Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement Program grant through U.S. Dept. of Ed!

I'm pleased to announce that the NPS has received a $1.2M grant from U.S. DOT for the const. of the Flight 93 Nat'l Memorial's return road.

Today, I joined a # of colleagues in sending a ltr to the Speaker urging him to allow a vote on currency manip. leg. b4 the House adjourns.

Pleased with the dec. by the Obama Admin.& U.S. Trade Rep. to challenge China’s unfair export subs. to its auto & auto parts manuf.@ WTO.

Pleased that the CR will allow DOD time to examine USAF plan for Pgh’s 911th Airlift Wing & the 258th Air Traffic Control Squad. in J-town.

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