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Andrew M. Cuomo - Governor

Governor Cuomo Announces Extensions for State Permits, License Renewals and Payments for Businesses Impacted by Hurricane Sandy

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Extensions by State Liquor Authority and Department of Environmental Conservation Help Businesses Meet Deadlines

Albany, NY (November 7, 2012)

Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced extensions provided by the State Liquor Authority and the Department of Environmental Conservation for license renewals and permit applications for businesses in impacted regions of the state. In addition, the state agencies are providing certain waivers for fees and extensions for payments.


"Thousands of businesses were affected by the devastation caused by Hurricane Sandy, and state agencies must take steps to ensure these businesses can re-open and operate with as little interruption as possible,” Governor Cuomo said. “Providing extensions for permit applications, license renewals and payments will help these businesses meet deadlines for an expeditious recovery.”


State Liquor Authority Extensions for Liquor License Holders


The State Liquor Authority (SLA) will extend renewal periods for liquor license holders in hurricane affected areas so that these businesses can meet filing and payment deadlines. Current licensees in New York City and the counties of Westchester, Rockland, Nassau and Suffolk, who are due for renewal in October and November, will receive an automatic 60 day grace period after the expiration date, during which they may continue to operate. The Governor also announced an extension for the time frames in which retailers can pay distributors for deliveries made just prior to the storm.


Additional SLA related relief initiatives include:

  • Free License Replacement - The SLA will provide, free of charge, replacement license certificates for those lost or damaged due to Hurricane Sandy.
  • New Year’s Eve Permits - The deadline for applying for New Year’s Eve “all night permits” will be extended for licensees in the affected areas from November 16, 2012 to December 1, 2012.
  • Temporary Licenses - Businesses currently operating on temporary licenses (temporary retail permits), may request to have these licenses extended for an additional 30 days.
  • Special Event Permits – Upon request, full refunds will be provided for events cancelled due to Hurricane Sandy. Permittees seeking to reschedule an event will be issued new permits at no additional cost, regardless of whether the event is moved to a new location.
  • Deficiency Letters – Applicants who filed applications during the week of Hurricane Sandy, or who received a deficiency letter during that time, will have 40 days, rather than the regular 20, to correct the deficiencies.
  • Conditional Approval Extensions - Any applicant whose license application was conditionally approved during the week of Hurricane Sandy will be granted an additional 60 days to meet the conditions of approval, with further extensions considered upon request. Typical conditions of approval include obtaining workers’ compensation and disability policies, authority to collect sales taxes, certificates of occupancy, and photographs showing an establishment is ready to open. Similarly, conditions of approval for alterations will be extended for an additional 60 days.
  • Deferral of Civil Penalties – Licensees owing civil penalties due during the period of October 26, 2012 to November 30, 2012, are granted an additional 30 day extension from the original due date.
  • Extension of Retailers’ Time to Pay Distributors - Retailers will have an additional 15 business days to submit payment to wholesalers for deliveries made in affected areas. The SLA’s website provides extension dates for each segment of the industry (beer, wine and liquor), at

For additional information regarding SLA related Hurricane Sandy relief or to request a refund or temporary permit, please contact the SLA at or call (518) 474-3114.


DEC Extensions for State Permits and Fees for Affected Businesses


Governor Cuomo also announced the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) will waive fees and extend application deadlines for state permits for 30 days beginning today. These waivers and extensions will apply to businesses in Westchester, Rockland and Orange counties, Long Island, and New York City. This will help those businesses meet deadlines for submitting permit applications for minor modifications and renewals, obligations in consent orders and payment of regulatory fees.


These relief efforts for businesses include:

  • DEC is granting an extension for application submissions for minor permit modifications and permit renewals.
  • The agency is preparing a General Order to specify requirements for generators of hazardous waste to comply with, to allow for hazardous waste generated by the storm damage to be properly disposed of without incurring the fees and taxes for a specified period of time.
  • The state will extend the due date for regulatory fees which include fees for tons of regulated air pollutants emitted by facilities subject to the Title V operating permit program.
  • DEC is extending deadlines for compliance with obligations in agency-issued orders on consent for respondents. In addition, DEC will reschedule routine cases on the hearings docket.
