Mike Doyle

Mike Doyle


U.S. Member of Congress representing PA's 14th District

Pittsburgh, PA · http://doyle.house.gov/

Ryan Medicare plan would require future beneficiaries to pay higher premiums or switch to less comprehensive plans:

Saddened by Arlen's death; I worked with him for many years in Congress, and he was deeply committed to the best interests of PA and the USA

Tomorrow I'm hosting an Autism Caucus briefing on new research at GWU - in 2168 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington DC at 9AM

deeply saddened by the murder of our Foreign Service officers in Libya. I am sorry for their families' loss and grateful for their service.

I was shocked and outraged by this completely senseless, unwarranted, and disgusting attack on our consulate in Libya.

Just observed the 11th anniversary of 9/11 at a service on the Capitol steps. My heart goes out to those who lost loved ones that day.

Voted against a bill making it easier for Republicans to rewrite the tax code to cut taxes for the rich-and increase taxes on the rest of us

Voted FOR extending middle class tax cuts that expire this year; voted AGAINST extending the expiring tax cuts that benefit only richest 2%.

Voted against GOP bill to halt work on regulations to protect food and consumer safety, the environment, and banking.

There's a Congressional Robotics Caucus briefing on autonomous vehicles tomorrow morning: Should be interesting.

I was deeply saddened by the news of the Colorado . My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and their loved ones.

I strongly support President Obama’s proposal to improve US student achievements in science, tech, engineering and math

Voted against GOP bill to make it easier and faster for mining companies to extract minerals from public lands for free

Here's some good news about the local impact of the Supreme Court's health care decision: Monongahela Valley Hospital.

Sembla que triga molt a carregar-se.

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