Latest News

Our Story

In Feb 2009 our then 8 yr. old daughter Vanessa, was diagnosed with Stage 4 (High-Risk) Neuroblastoma, a very rare, aggressive and difficult to treat form of childhood cancer. Fewer than 100 children in the UK are diagnosed with neuroblastoma each year, most of which are below 5 yrs. old and generally have a better prognosis as the older the child is the worse the prognosis is.

Get Involved

So you want to get involved? There's plenty you can do to help our cause.  Fundraising on this scale is a coordinated effort and there's always something to do.  Find out more on this page.


If you would like to make a donation to the fund to save our daughter Vanessa, all the info you need is on this page.


There are quite literally DOZENS of fundraising events in various stages of planning.  If you are interested in supporting our cause by attending one, the confirmed events are listed here.



Here you'll find some useful resources to help you if you're involved in findraising in any way.

Tweets from @VanessaRiddle

Out today with mum, tired now but feeling great 👍 off to bed now, see ya 👋 xoxo

Vanessa Riddle Vanessa Riddle

Hey, thanks to all my new followers and all the lovely messages you sent me, love em 💖😉 xoxo

Vanessa Riddle Vanessa Riddle

#vanessariddleappeal mentions