Richard Burr

Richard Burr


U.S. Senator from North Carolina

Winston-Salem, NC ·

Twiitit Kaikki / Ei vastauksia

I intro’d a bill that would create longterm, sustainable jobs for vets & not add to deficit. But Majority wont allow vote. Why? Politics.

Deplorable that Dems are playing politics w veterans. Clearly, their bill was more focused on desire to save their own jobs, not help vets

Shocked & saddened by the violent attacks in Libya,Egypt. My prayers are w families of Americans who were killed. Read

SecState to designate Haqqanis as terrorists, per my bill. Haqqanis are violent, ruthless, indiscriminate in killing

Congressman Akin's comments were offensive, outrageous, & wrong. I urge him to do the right thing & withdraw from MO Senate race now

House just passed bill to care for Lejeune vets/families. I urge President to act quickly & sign into law. Victims have waited long enough

Proud to cosponsor S.3448, the Corolla Wild Horses Protection Act. These horses are a natural treasure of NC.

My thoughts & prayers go to the victims & families affected by the shooting in CO. Praying for recovery of those fighting for their lives

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