Yvette D. Clarke

Yvette D. Clarke



ツイート すべて / 返信なし

As a nation, we have a shared responsibility to provide for the security of our veterans after their return to the United States.

Today, , our nation commemorates the legacy of the brave women and men in uniform, who proudly served and protected our country.

Much work remains to be done – we cannot allow thousands of people to remain without electricity, heat or water.

All New York City voters are now allowed vote by affidavit, as well as residents of Nassau, Rockland, Suffolk and Westchester counties.

Voters who cast their ballots outside their state legislative districts will only be able to vote in the presidential and U.S. Senate races.

Voters should call the Hotline at 800-771-7755 or email civil.rights@ag.ny.gov between 6 a.m. and 9 p.m. to report problems at the polls.


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