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Titles included in BeCites+

Enhanced Bibliographies -  Digitized LC Publications

Enhanced Bibliographies

Enhanced BeCites+ bibliographies are finding guides prepared by Library of Congress public service service staff which typically include links, as authorized by the copyright holders, from the individual entries in the guides to the digitized tables of contents, prefaces, indexes, lists of photographs or charts, and/or bibliographies appearing in the works represented by those entries.

African Americans in Business

Thess guides feature selected print resources in the Library of Congress illustrating the development of black business in the United States compiled in conjunction with an exhibit mounted in the Business Reading Room during Black History Month, February 2000.

A Graphic Sampler (compiled by Renata V. Shaw)

A well-illustrated compilation of articles originally published in the Quarterly Journal of the Library of Congress that explore the graphic collections of the Prints and Photographs Division.

A Guide to Business History Resources (1999 ed, rev 2001)

A guide to resources available at the Library of Congress and many other large research libraries to assist researchers seeking historical information about old companies or extinct firms. The focus is primarily on United States companies.

Immigrant Arrivals

Sections on General Works, The Ships, Immigrants as New Arrivals, and The Immigration Experience.

This BeCites+ guide is based on sections of the 1997 guide, Immigrant Arrivals by Virginia Wood, reference specialist in Local History and Genealogy at the Library of Congress, as revised by Barbara Walsh, also a reference specialist in the Local History and Genealogy Section. The guide was originally created in response to the surge of interest in the subject of immigration following the nation's Bicentennial, the publication of Alex Haley's Roots, and by the highly successful restoration efforts of the Statue of Liberty and the Ellis Island Immigration Museum.

In the 2000/2001 revision, as part of the BeCites+ project, links were added to scanned/OCR'd files for the tables of contents, indexes and sources cited in the sections, General Works, The Ships, Immigrants as New Arrivals, and The Immigration Experience, and Personal Narratives & Correspondence.

In addition, as part of the pilot, a new section on Internet resources was completed making use of OCLC software. The revised guide also contains subject headings relating to immigrant arrivals to the United States, which link directly into the Library of Congress online catalog.

Small Business: Entrepreneurship, Franchising, and Venture Capital

This guide is planned as a revision of Chapter 6 of Richard Sharp's 1995 publication, A Guide to Finding Business Information at the Library of Congress, and will draw in part on selected titles from the longer guide on this topic completed by Robert Jackson in 1999, Entrepreneurs' Reference Guide to Small Business Information. It is designed to point new and prospective entrepreneurs toward selected resources that answer some of the most commonly asked questions relating to establishing a small business, acquiring a franchise, or seeking out venture capital.

In addition to links to scanned and OCR'd files for available tables of contents, indexes, and sources cited in the revised guide, the guide will contain new section on Internet resources related to this topic.

Thomas Jefferson: An American Man for All Seasons
A Selected List of References

This guide is a revision by Dr. Marilyn Parr, formerly American History reference specialist in the Humanities and Social Sciences Division of the Library of Congress, and currently Head of the Digital Reference Team, of her earlier guide of the same title. It includes annotated references to sources for Jefferson's papers and correspondence, and biographies about Jefferson, as well as to works relating to aspects of Jefferson's life, including law and politics; relations with slaves; learning, science and culture; and family, homes and haunts.

Like other BeCites+ subject guides, the revised Thomas Jefferson guide contains links to scanned/OCR'd files for the tables of contents, indexes, and sources cited. In addition, the guide also includes a newly added section describing Internet resources related to this topic, which makes use of OCLC software.

Digitized LC Publications

The following out-of-print guides to special collections or activities of the Library of Congress have been or will be digitized through the BeCites project in response to on-going requests by researchers in a variety of disciplines, including those served by the Area Studies and the Public Service Directorates of the Library and the Library's Center for the Book. Specialists, including those from the African and Middle Eastern, the European, the Hispanic, the Asian, the Prints and Photographs, and the Humanities and Social Sciences Divisions are working cooperatively with the BEAT BeCites+ Team to make these out-of-print guides available in digital format.

Center for the Book (Selected Publications)

The following publications represent a selection of frequently requested, but now out-of-print, titles issued by the Center for the Book since its formation in 1977 "to use the resources and prestige of the Library of Congress to promote books, reading, libraries, and literacy."

COPAR Newsletters(Committee for the Preservation of Architectural Records)

The COPAR Newsletters, published from 1974-1985, represent a unique sharing of information about architects' records, repositories, and recent finds, contributed by both scholarly researchers and collection managers. A publication, first, of the New York-based Committee for the Preservation of Architectural Records, and, later, of the Cooperative Preservation of Architectural Records at the Library of Congress, the COPAR Newsletters shared up-to-date news from archives and libraries, detailed recent preservation/conservation efforts, and reported on then-current grants and surveys. It also ran inquiries about an architect from researchers trying to find the location of records, and therefore often provides valuable pointers to unpublished scholarship.

A Descriptive Checklist of Selected Manuscripts in the Monasteries of Mount Athos

The online version contains the full text of the out-of-print 1957 guide to selected religious texts (written in Armenian, Greek, Arabic, Georgian, and Syriac, among other languages) in the monasteries of Mount Athos. The manuscripts were microfilmed for the Library of Congress and the International Greek New Testament Project in 1952-53. The guide also contains listings of photoreproductions of other manuscripts in monasteries of Mt. Athos, prepared by Harvard University (Cambridge, Massachusetts), Institut de recherche et d'histoire des textes (Paris, France), and the Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin (Berlin, Germany). Originally compiled under the general direction of Ernest W. Saunders, representative of the Library of Congress for the selection and microfilming of the manuscripts at Mt. Athos, the text of the online version, which was prepared in cooperation with the African and Middle Eastern Division, the European Division, and the Microform Reading Room of the Humanities and Social Sciences Division, has been augumented with directions for requesting copies from the Photoduplication Service of the Library of Congress.

Ladino Books in the Library of Congress: a Bibliography.

Prepared in cooperation with the Hispanic Division and the African and Middle Eastern Division, this guide is an online version of the bibliography prepared by Henry V. Besso and published by the Hispanic Foundation of the Library of Congress in 1964 [Catalog Record]. This online version has been updated with approximately 200 additional titles recently identified in the collections of Hebraic Section and the general collections of the Library of Congress, along with links to the title pages of those publications in the vernacular script.

National Union Index to Architectural Records (NUIAR)

The NUIAR is an index to architectural drawings held by institutions across the country, compiled by the Cooperative Preservation of Architectural Records (COPAR) between 1974-1986. This attempt to index the architectural drawings held nationwide is an effort comparable to that of the National Union Index of Manuscript Collections for manuscript holdings. The bulk of the entries in the Index were drawn from the many publications on architectural holdings published in the 1980s, such as "Architectural Research Materials in the District of Columbia" (AIA Foundation, 1983.) The compilation of such information into one index greatly improved access to architectural records. Although work on the Index ceased in 1986, its value as a research tool is still recognized by current researchers, who contact the Library regularly for information.

Thomas Jefferson's library : a catalog with the entries in his own order.

This online catalog of the book collection which was sold to reestablish the Library of Congress after the original Congressional Library was destroyed in the War of 1812, includes the full text of the edition of the catalog edited by James Gilreath and Douglas Wilson published by the Library of Congress in 1989. The catalog was originally copied at Jefferson's request by Nicholas Trist in 1823, working from a copy of a printed 1915 Library of Congress catalog arranged alphabetically by title issued after the U.S. Congress acquired the library in 1814. This restored arrangement reflects Jefferson's intellectual classification of the works as well as their physical placement on the shelves at Monticello. The catalog is also cited in Thomas Jefferson: An American Man for All Seasons.
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  November 9, 2010
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