Rep. Keith Ellison

Rep. Keith Ellison


Member of Congress from Minnesota's Fifth District. Co-Chair,

Minneapolis/Washington, D.C. ·

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Dr. Johnson: 1st Blk Regent at UofMn, civil rights advocate, March on Wash'ton, w/ MLKJr gave Dream speech.

Dr. Josie Johnson receiving her award for outstanding service to African American political caucus. Lovely.

Dan McGrath on Voter ID victory "Tonight MN dealt a punishing blow to a national movement to restrict the right to vote."

“It was a hard fight, it was the right fight and tonight we can declare that we did it.” ID Vote No declares victory, 1:38 a.m.

40% of votes in Rep Keith Ellison's district reported in last hour providing huge boost to Vote No on Marriage and Voter ID

Just met a great young woman, 17, who is too young to vote herself, but is passionate about social justice & fair elections. Inspiring.

Just heard on radio ppl in hard hit areas went out to ! One guy said, "today will determine the next 4 yrs of my life"

Happy Voting Day! Good time to remember how fortunate we are; how much more to do to make a more perfect union.

New public policy polling numbers: 52% no on marriage, 51% no on voter restriction - we just got to keep the pressure on big time

Brennan Center reports ppl w/o gov't photo ID: 6M seniors, 5.5M blacks, 8.1M Hispanics, 4.5M 18-24, & 15% of voters w/ income under $35k

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