Rep. Chip Cravaack

Rep. Chip Cravaack


It’s a privilege to serve the people of Minnesota’s 8th District. Retired Navy helicopter pilot. Proud father of two great boys & happy husband to Traci.

The Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) needs to be repealed. I've co-sponsored legislation to prevent this tax from...

If we streamline our tax code; remove federal roadblocks to domestic energy and mineral production; and rein in...

Americans deserve answers to questions raised about the Benghazi terrorist attack and the Administration's...

"The DOJ would have been, and still would be, better served by being completely forthcoming about what happened....

It is critical that Washington change direction and enact pro-growth reforms. As your Representative, I will...

Congratulations to Cook County's Peter Warren for breaking Minnesota's high school football scoring record!...

This kind of cheating comes at a difficult time for the U.S. paper and forest products industry and its workers....

After years of successful conservation of our state's gray wolf population through the Endangered Species Act,...

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