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Jacob Hughes, 11, Gives All Of His Halloween Candy To Hurricane Sandy Victims, Wins At Being Awesome

Jacob Hughes, 11, Gives All Of His Halloween Candy To Hurricane Sandy Victims, Wins At Being Awesome

Hurricane Sandy has mostly brought a slate of sad headlines and devastating news, but the reaction of some has been heartwarming, nonetheless. One of the sweetest stories we’ve heard so far is about Jacob Hughes, an 11-year-old boy from Tennessee, who donated all of his Halloween candy to the kids who didn’t get to go trick-or-treating because of Hurricane Sandy. For anyone who remembers being 11, you know: This kid wins at being awesome. More »

Afternoon Links: The Evolution Of Undies

Afternoon Links: The Evolution Of Undies

• The evolution of ladies undies in 10 photos (The Frisky)

• Kate Fridkis explains how she learned to exercise without thinking about weight (HuffPost Women)

Jennifer Hudson says she’s done with weight loss.

• Your friend’s body image can affect your own (The Frisky)

• People are really excited about secret Pinterest boards (The Stir)


CIA Director David Petraeus Resigns Due To Extramarital Affair; Here’s Why That’s A Good Thing

CIA Director David Petraeus Resigns Due To Extramarital Affair; Here's Why That's A Good Thing

CIA Director David Petraeus resigned today, citing an extramarital affair. His resignation letter explains that “After being married for over 37 years, I showed extremely poor judgment by engaging in an extramarital affair,” and “Such behavior is unacceptable, both as a husband and as the leader of an organization such as ours.” Generally, I tend to bristle at the notion that someone’s marriage or sex life has anything to do with their ability to do their job. But this is one of the rare occasions when I would have to agree. More »

7-Up Dropping Antioxidant Soda (Say It Has Nothing To Do With Juice-y Lawsuit)

7-Up Dropping Antioxidant Soda (Say It Has Nothing To Do With Juice-y Lawsuit)

Say goodbye to 7-Up with antioxidants: The short-lived Frankensoda from Dr. Pepper Snapple Group will be off the market by early 2013. Though Dr. Pepper Snapple Group (really, that’s the best you could come up with for merging name, guys?) says it has nothing to do with the decision, there’s currently a lawsuit against them for making misleading health claims about its antioxidant soda line. More »

Fig Recipe Roundup (Happy Belated National Fig Week)

Fig Recipe Roundup (Happy Belated National Fig Week)

Guys, I am sorry to report that we missed National Fig Week. Until yesterday, I did not know it was a thing, but then I saw something on Pinterest about it. Naturally, I got all excited to do a fig recipe roundupin celebration today, because figs are both underused and awesome (fact: they are the most talked about fruit in the Bible), and because arbitrary fruit-celebrating time periods make me laugh (near my college there was a whole month designated for paw-paws). Only further research reveals–National Fig Week was last week. Well, I don’t care, I am posting a fig recipe roundup today anyway and you’re gonna enjoy it. Happy belated National Fig Week, everybody!  More »

Looks Like Sin Taxes Are Working: 1 In 5 Still Smoke, But They’re Smoking Less

Looks Like Sin Taxes Are Working: 1 In 5 Still Smoke, But They're Smoking Less

So this is interesting: While the percentage of Americans who smoke remained essentially unchanged between 2010 and 2011, the number of self-described “heavy smokers” has gone down quite a bit over the past six years. More »

First Lyme Disease, Now Meat Allergies: Apparently Tick Bites Are Spreading Vegetarianism

First Lyme Disease, Now Meat Allergies: Apparently Tick Bites Are Spreading Vegetarianism

In probably the grossest news we’ve heard this week, new research shows that the lone star tick may be causing a rash of meat allergies in the central and southern regions of the U.S. Typically, ticks are dreaded for their ability to spread Lyme disease, but now researchers now think that “saliva that sneaks into [bite wounds] might trigger a reaction to meat agonizing enough to convert lifelong carnivores into wary vegetarians.” Excuse me while I go shudder uncontrollably. More »

Wal-Mart Is Starting Black Friday Early This Year. Thanksgiving DUIs and Blu-Ray Violence, Here We Come!

Wal-Mart Is Starting Black Friday Early This Year. Thanksgiving DUIs and Blu-Ray Violence, Here We Come!

Wal-Mart is starting Black Friday 2012 early this year, welcoming customers to their heavily discounted aisles at 8 p.m. on Thursday. Because if Black Friday violence is going to be their Thanksgiving tradition, they might as well make it happen on the actual holiday, amirite? But really, rolling back Black Friday deals could pretty much ruin the holiday with drunk driving and Blu-Ray fights. More »

Hormonal Birth Control Could Give You A Better Brain

Hormonal Birth Control Could Give You A Better Brain

Unexpected upsides to hormonal birth control seem to get way less attention than potential risks, but here’s a benefit we shouldn’t let slip under the radar: Using hormonal contraception could help give you a better brain. In a new study published in the Journal of Women’s Health, researchers Kelly Egan and Carey Gleason say hormones in the pill et al. can improve women’s cognitive abilities in middle- and old-age — and the longer the use, the greater the effect. More »

Morning Links: President Obama Gets Weepy While Thanking Campaign Staffers

Morning Links: President Obama Gets Weepy While Thanking Campaign Staffers

• President Obama sheds some man tears during a thank-you to campaign staffers. Awwww. (Intent)

• 3 tips for not flipping out during pigeon pose. (FitSugar)

5 DIY holiday recipes that are easier and healthier than the store-bought versions. (Organic Authority)

• The secret scourge of young people: High blood pressure. (HuffPost Healthy Living)

• A big, green smoothie recipe from Julieanna Hever. (Well+Good NYC)

Seriously? Jennifer Lawrence Is Now Considered Obese

Seriously? Jennifer Lawrence Is Now Considered Obese

Excuse me, but how does someone like Jennifer Lawrence get labeled as “obese?” I mean, just look at her. But according to the Hunger Games star, Hollywood has done it again and not only considers her fat, but obese.
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Vegan Thanksgiving Preparedness: How To Talk About Your Diet Without Sounding Preachy

Vegan Thanksgiving Preparedness: How To Talk About Your Diet Without Sounding Preachy

Thanksgiving is coming up, and if you are part of a family with vegans and meat eaters, this could prove to be a stressful time of year. Sometimes vegans, as passionate as they are about animal rights, can come off as preachy or “holier than thou.” On the other hand, meat eaters can be viewed as callous and ignorant to those who abstain from animal products. So can the two ever get along and live–and dine–in harmony? If so, what exactly is the best way to do that without adding tension between family or friends? To find out, we talked with Jenny Brown, animal rights activist and founder and director of the Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary in upstate New York and author of The Lucky Ones, My Passionate Fight for Farm Animals.
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A Woman’s Perfect Day: Lots Of Sex, Little Childcare, Says Study

A Woman's Perfect Day: Lots Of Sex, Little Childcare, Says Study

So I object to the very premise of this study, which involves accepting that there is both such thing as a “perfect day” and a “typical woman.” But just for fun, let’s take a look. In the study, researchers polled 909 women (average age 38) about how they spend their time and how positive or negative each activity makes them feel. Based on this, they created a woman’s “perfect” daily routine, including a mix of pleasurable and utilitarian activities. More »

Mila Kunis Is Producing A Different Kind Of 70s Show

Mila Kunis Is Producing A Different Kind Of 70s Show

As if we need more reasons to have a great big celeb-crush on Mila Kunis: She’s now producing a drama about the women’s liberation movement. Called Meridian Hills, it’s set in 1972 and centers around a young newlywed in the Midwest who bands together with other members of her local Junior League to fight the patriarchy. More »