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Lawmakers Raise Concerns Over Timing of Energy Projects


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    Rep. Jeff Denham, (R-Calif.), gives his take on the timing of the approval of two energy projects.

  • Duration 4:44
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In just the past week interior secretary Ken Salazar proved to major energy related projects.

The first one with the new oil -- actually the first one in decades.

Any also -- the largest wind energy project ever in the United States if not the world would be election only three weeks away -- Makers think the timing of these announcements.

Is a little bit suspicious to give me his take -- congressman Jeff Denham a member of the house natural resources committee it's coming back -- the show.

-- timing isn't it a little fishy -- this morning thank.

as well beyond suspicious -- 21 days out we've been pushing secretary Salazar and in President Obama.

For well over a year and a half and bid continues try to delay a lot of these projects that should have been moving three years ago.

Yeah I mean the oil refinery let's start with that went.

I don't really care -- we need it so it they're gonna go ahead actually do it I would be willing to give them credit for it I'm afraid.

That this is one of those fake like yeah we're gonna do it but it's years and years -- get locked ten times by then it's sort of like the XL pipeline.

Absolutely it is years away I mean this is a good first step.

But this is something that has been delayed for three years -- negotiated in 2003.

Bob and the majority of the work was done -- the Bush Administration -- it's been delayed now for three years.

I mean this is something that had we have the refinery on line.

Not only would it held North Dakota and they're out oil as far as -- they have right now.

But it would help relieve -- How did this huge issue we have at the pumps across the nation -- by lowering gas.

Prices OK so let's talk about you know this giant wind farm which sort of drives me bananas -- this timing also seems suspicious.

Also I mean I've gone -- done stories on wind turbines in you sit there and you look at the meter that's supposed to tell you how much energy generating.

And it really has happened to me every time.

It's a negative number.

Because it's using more energy to keep -- running and it's actually generated I think these things are they just don't work and it'd be nice if they did but they don't.

So is this really gonna happen and and how do you feel about it.

Well certainly they can work but the the problem is it's just such an expensive form of of energy.

This is and another one where if the president really wants to get it done -- regulations.

That he could wave.

The EPA regulations -- national EPA regulations he could certainly waive those as as they've done in other projects.

So if they really want to get -- done.

Then show the American public that you're going to expedite coming get them done immediately -- So we can actually have the impact of not only being energy independence and and moving towards that goal but also relieving the pain at the pump at the same time.

Let me ask you because you're on the committee -- Natural resources and you oversee a lot of these public -- that could be used for drilling the question keeps being asked again and again US President Obama says there's more drilling going on than there was.

Four years ago and in people respond with well that's on private -- not public plans we need to open up public lands.

Is that a fair response and I mean -- on the committee where we opening up more publicly --

It is certainly -- fair response.

You know the the proof is is showing that a lot of the projects on public lands have been shut down -- and with the government owning a vast.

You're expected huge majority of the landing California but across the nation.

It is public land it has a lot of these huge oil reserves -- and I went to jail and natural gas reserves that we just gotta be willing to go out there in debt.

And so the president has certainly.

Had a hands off approach on on all of the public lands and the private lands -- you have private individuals.

It already put the upfront cost and what you're regulating -- economy -- going after that oil.

You're on the committee can you make it happen.

-- we have.

We have William.

Not only given the states that is states' rights issues to be able to go out to do all their oil in their states if they they approve it.

But we've also done a number different bills to streamline the process and so -- bills everything from the Keystone Pipeline to other pipeline issues.

What we can actually move oil and and gas throughout the nation.

But it part of the challenge we have here in California.

Is right now -- seventy to eighty cents more per gallon.

I think the average price tags I don't mean interrupting but it's just -- time and I don't wanna let you go without asking you eat -- on the committee you say you're pushing -- so why isn't happening what's the hold up.

Oh we have a huge number of bills are all sitting in the senate took all the president needs to do is ask his friend Harry Reid -- the bills and he can immediately approve them congressman thank you so much for coming on the show.