Megyn Kelly

Megyn Kelly


Happily married to Doug, crazy in love with my children Yates and Yardley, and anchor of America Live on Fox News Channel

ÜT: 40.7763,-73.986251 ·

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RT : interesting. focus group of Walmart Moms in Brookfield, Wisconsin is unanimous on debate: it was a draw

Pres Obama: "I believe that everybody should have a fair shot and everybody should do their fair share."

Gov Romney: "I understand that I can get this country on track again... we don't have to settle for 23M ppl struggling to find a good job."

Gov Romney: "It took them a long time to say this was a terrorist act by a terrorist group."

Pres Obama on Libya attack coverup allegations: "The suggestion that anybody on my team...would play politics or mislead... is offensive."

Pres Obama on Sec Clinton taking responsibility for Libya attack: "I'm the President and I'm always responsible."

Gov Romney on Libya attack: "It was a terror attack and it took a long time for that to be told to the American people."

Pres Obama on Libya attack: “Investigate exactly what happened regardless of where the facts lead us."

. "we have to stop illegal immigration" "I would not give DL's to those coming illegally like the president would"

Pres Obama on immigration: "We are a nation of immigrants, but we are also a nation of laws."

Gov Romney on immigration: "This is a nation of immigrants... we welcome legal immigrants in this country."

Gov: "The middle class is getting crushed under the policies of a pres who does not understand what it takes to get an economy moving again"

Pres Obama: I said I would cut taxes & I did... I said I would end the war & I did... we have gone after Al Qaeda & Bin Laden is dead.

Governor Romney: "An economy that has 23 million people looking for work is not a strong economy"

Gov Romney on equal pay: "In the last 4 years women have lost 580,000 jobs."

Pres Obama on equal pay for women: It's not just a women's issue... it's a family issue.

Gov Romney: I ran businesses for 25 yrs & balanced the budget, I ran the Olympics & balanced the budget, I ran MA & balanced the budget.

Pres Obama: "We haven't heard from the Gov any specifics beyond Big Bird & eliminating funding for PP on how he pays for that."

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