
September 11: No American Will Ever Forget that Day

Foxx Statement on Anniversary of September 11th
“No American Will Ever Forget What Happened to our Nation”

Washington, D.C. – Congresswoman Virginia Foxx (R-North Carolina) issued the following statement today in recognition of the 11th anniversary of the attacks against the United States on September 11, 2011:

“No American will ever forget what happened to us – to our nation - eleven years ago today.

“We remember exactly where we were and what we were doing when we watched the tragedy of September 11th unfold. But we also recount how in the midst of fear and uncertainty, so many Americans acted as heroes and gave of themselves for the sake of their country and their city, and to help their fellow man.

“The darkness of that day did not prevail, nor will it. An attack meant to bring us to our knees instead brought us together, and prompted a generation of protectors – Airmen, Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines – to rise up in defense of freedom and in pursuit of peace.

“So today, in our thoughts and prayers we lift up the families of the fallen in New York, Washington, and Pennsylvania; we give thanks for the bravery of first responders who ran toward the burning buildings, and away from safety; we honor the men and women whose last moments were committed to love of country and their fellow man; and we pray for the safety of those men and women still deployed throughout the world on the mission that began that day.

“May we live worthy of their legacy.” 

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