Akin Alert: UN Small Arms Treaty Update
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Dear Justin,

The United States has a proud history of supporting the legal purchase and use of arms by its citizens.  President Obama has made steps to change our nation’s stance on this constitutional right.  Since his inauguration, the United States has reversed its position on the U.N. Small Arms Treaty and has joined other countries in the U.N. in supporting a resolution calling for the drafting of an International Arms Trade Treaty.

I have serious concerns about the U.N. Conference on the Arms Trade Treaty. First, Iran was elected to a top post on the committee—a known sponsor of terrorism and has long practiced oppressive policies that stifle dissent and punish religious minorities. Second, there is no guarantee the treaty will protect a U.S. citizen’s Second Amendment constitutional rights. This further demonstrates the Administration’s willingness to allow the U.N. to encroach on the sovereignty of our nation and the constitutional rights of our citizens.

Article II, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution states that the President "shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two-thirds of the Senators present concur." According to the Constitution then, the Senate will have to consider this treaty; and unfortunately, the treaty could be supported by a Democrat controlled Senate.

The Second Amendment is fundamental to American liberty and any encroachment on this right is a direct assault on the freedom of American citizens. As you can see from my voting record, the right to bear arms is an issue that is important to me and I will continue to work to protect the freedoms of fellow Missourians and Americans everywhere. For that reason, I am original cosponsor of H.R. 5846, the Second Amendment Sovereignty Act of 2012. H.R. 5846 will prohibit the Obama Administration from using the "voice, vote, and influence" of the United States during Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) negotiations to restrict the Second Amendment rights of U.S. citizens. 

I also recently cosponsored a resolution with my House Colleagues to express our strong belief that under no circumstances should the U.S. enter into the ATT or use taxpayer funding in implementing this treaty. 

A final version of the treaty is expected to be out on Friday, July 27th. Please know that I will vehemently oppose any treaty that infringes on Americans’ Second Amendment right to “keep and bear arms.”

It is a privilege to represent you and I hope that you will not hesitate to contact me regarding any matter where I might be of assistance. Please visit my website, where you can find more information on current issues, share further thoughts with me via email, or change your e-newsletter preferences.


W. Todd Akin

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