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September 24, 2012: Farm Bill Will Expire on September 30th

-- Randy's Roundup --

A Weekly Newsletter from Congressman Randy Neugebauer

Farm Bill Will Expire on September 30th

The 2008 Farm Bill will expire on September 30, and Congress has left Washington without passing a new policy.  I’m incredibly disappointed that we didn’t get this done.  The House Agriculture Committee passed a Farm Bill that made real reforms and reduced spending while still ensuring our farmers have a safety net to carry them through bad seasons.  We found $35 billion in savings, eliminated or consolidated 100 programs, and moved it to a more efficient, market-based system of crop support. A number of reforms that I proposed are included in the bill.  I’ll be the first to admit that it isn’t perfect—I’d like to see even more savings from food stamps.  But I believe this is our best chance to cut spending and support our farmers and ranchers.   When Congress returns in November, I’ll continue to push for a long-term Farm Bill to give our producers the certainty they need.

District Events This Week

This week, I will be attending various events all across the 19th District.  This afternoon, I was honored to be the keynote speaker at the Slaton Agriculture Banquet.  Tomorrow, I will meet with the new commanders at Dyess Air Force Base to discuss new projects and update them on legislation in Washington. Additionally, I will visit the newly formed Black Chamber of Commerce and join the West Central Texas Council of Governments to announce a Veterans Affairs grant to help prevent homelessness for veterans and their families.

On Wednesday in Lubbock, I will speak at the dedication ceremony for a new home built by Habitat for Humanity and construction technology students at the Byron Martin Advanced Technology Center. Through this partnership, students in the Lubbock Independent School District learn trade skills while giving back to the community. I am privileged to help celebrate the inauguration of Tim Perrin, Lubbock Christian University’s new president.  On Friday, I will speak with community and business leaders in Denver City and Seminole, and look forward to learning more about issues that affect them.

Defending Principles of Economic Freedom

Recently, I was honored to receive the “FreedomFighter” Award from FreedomWorks for promoting economic freedom on the House Floor. The federal government is borrowing 40 cents for every dollar we spend.  Our national debt currently costs $140,277 per taxpayer and is projected to reach 73% of gross domestic product (GDP) by the end of this year. This can certainly make economic freedom for future generations of Americans look bleak. But many of my colleagues and I are committed to eliminating the frivolous spending in Washington. I’m proud to fight for economic freedom so that our children and grandchildren are not left with this devastating debt.

Action Item of the Week: National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month

Last week, I introduced H.Res. 787 to designate September 2012 as “National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month.” This issue is very personal for me, and for thousands of families across the country. Early detection is vital to keeping you or your loved ones safe, so I encourage you to talk to your doctor about simple screening procedures. Learn more about prostate and other types of cancer by clicking here.