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November 5, 2012: Important Information for Texas Voters

-- Randy’s Roundup --

A Weekly Newsletter from Congressman Randy Neugebauer

November 5, 2012

Important Information for Texas Voters

Tomorrow, November 6th is Election Day.  Our country was founded on the belief that the people should have power over the government, and not the other way around.  More than 200 years later, we still exercise that power in democratic elections.  Voting is not only our most fundamental right as Americans, but it is also one of our greatest responsibilities. The Texas Secretary of State’s office can answer any questions you may have about how to vote.  And if you’re unsure of where to go tomorrow, you can easily find your polling place here.

Wind Energy Production Tax Credit

On January 1, 2013, the Production Tax Credit (PTC) for wind energy will expire.  There is a lot of debate about whether to extend this tax credit.  It has helped us establish a strong wind energy industry, which has created jobs in West Texas and has provided a critical source of energy for our communities.  However, it hasn't come cheaply. It cost $4.4 billion from 2010 to 2012. With record deficits, we must carefully examine our spending priorities.

That’s why I support a gradual phase-out of the PTC for new installations.  I have spoken to dozens of leaders in the industry who agree that wind energy can be cost competitive, without subsidies, in a few short years.

A phase-out over a number of years will provide the assurance companies need to make long-term planning decisions.  Additionally, after the phase-out, producers could continue to claim the credit for a full ten years after a project starts sending electricity to the grid, so there would be a long period over which the industry could adjust to changing policy.  A phase-out would put wind energy on a path to self-sufficiency, and ensure that taxpayers aren’t permanently on the hook to cover the costs of an industry that can and should stand on its own feet.

Unemployment Continues to Take a Toll on Americans

On Friday, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics released the latest unemployment figures. Although the economy added about 171,000 jobs, unemployment increased from 7.8% to 7.9%.  That means our economy isn’t adding jobs quickly enough to keep up with the population growth.  This is a clear indication that the administration’s policies are not working. The federal government must focus on relieving the economic and regulatory burdens from small businesses and companies so they can start hiring and expanding. Texas is an example of how less government intervention can promote job growth.  Texas’ unemployment in September, the most recent available data, was 6.8 percent—below the national average. I’m proud of our state, and I advocate for Texan economic policies in Washington that do not punish hard-working businesses and families who follow the rules.

Action Item of the Week – Celebrating the Marine Corps’ 237th Birthday

This weekend, I will speak at a celebration in Abilene honoring the 237th birthday of the U.S. Marine Corps.  The motto of the Marines, “Semper Fidelis,” or “always faithful,” represents the lifetime of dedication and loyalty that each Marine exhibits. I am honored to help recognize and commemorate the men and women who put their lives on the line to fight for our country’s freedom.