Report: Unprecedented “Imperial Presidency” Harming Job Growth

October 23, 2012

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, the Office of House Majority Leader Eric Cantor released a new report entitled The Imperial Presidency to highlight the Obama administration’s massive regulatory overreach and disregard for the legislative process. The House Energy and Commerce Committee has been on the frontlines in the fight to protect jobs from the “Imperial Presidency” and restore the authority of the legislative branch as outlined under the Constitution. The report outlines over 40 separate examples of how the administration has circumvented the law and Congress to advance its agenda.

The report highlights a number of instances where the Energy and Commerce Committee has vigorously fought to protect jobs and block the Obama administration’s efforts to:

  • Regulate the Internet through net neutrality
  • Implement an aggressive cap-and-tax agenda through regulation
  • Regulate coal out of existence
  • Takeover the entire healthcare system
  • Create a board of 15 unelected bureaucrats to dictate healthcare available for seniors

“Here in coal country, we are all too familiar that we have an Imperial Presidency that is out of control. The war on coal is just one example of the Obama administration ramming through its job killing agenda, no matter what the costs, to working families who are paying the price,” said Rep. Morgan Griffith (R-VA).

“The report provides a startling glimpse into an Obama White House that conducts itself as if the rules do not apply to them. We will continue putting jobs first, embracing our vast resources here in Colorado and across the nation in pursuit of North American energy independence,” said Rep. Cory Gardner (R-CO).
