Friday, October 19, 2012 Updated 03:45 PM ET

Obama Judged Winner of Second Debate
Americans who watched the second presidential debate say Barack Obama did a better job than Mitt Romney, by 51% to 38% -- a stark contrast to the first debate, of which most named Romney the winner.

Fewer 18- to 25-year-old Americans are uninsured in the third quarter of 2012 than in past years, with the 23.4% now lacking coverage down from a high of 28.7% in the third quarter of 2009. But, the percentage of uninsured 26- to 64-year-olds is still trending higher.

Gallup's landmark study of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) Americans finds that 44% identify as Democratic, 43% as independent, and 13% as Republican. Conservative LGBT Americans share similar traits with conservatives overall.

An unprecedented Gallup study involving more than 120,000 interviews finds that 3.4% of U.S. adults identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender; the highest incidence is among those who are nonwhite, younger, and less educated.

Female voters in 12 key swing states name abortion as the most important issue for women in this election. Male voters are most likely to name jobs as the top issue for men.

U.S. Satisfaction Stable at 30%
U.S. satisfaction with the way things are going is 30% in October, matching the three-year high reached last month. Still, this lags behind recent election years when the incumbent won, making Obama's chances unclear.

Inside Strategic Consulting

Why Banks Must Rebuild Confidence Now
Four years after the U.S. financial crisis, the image of the banking business has hit a new low. Fixing this problem is essential to achieving strong economic growth.


For Most in EU, Life Is Not Improving
EU residents' life evaluation ratings show little or no improvement in 2012, and in some countries, they have worsened. A stark divide exists between the North, where majorities are thriving, and the South and East, where majorities are struggling.

Americans who feel safe in or satisfied with their communities are in better physical health. They are less likely to experience physical pain, to be obese, and to report having ever been diagnosed with high blood pressure or diabetes.


Oct 16-18, 2012 – Updates daily at 1 p.m. ET; reflects one-day change
Registered Voters

7-day rolling average
Likely Voters

7-day rolling average


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U.S. Satisfaction Stable at 30%

U.S. satisfaction with the way things are going is 30% in October, matching the three-year high reached last month. Still, this lags behind recent election years when the incumbent won, making Obama's chances unclear.

LGBT Americans Skew Democratic, Largely Support Obama

Gallup's landmark study of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) Americans finds that 44% identify as Democratic, 43% as independent, and 13% as Republican. Conservative LGBT Americans share similar traits with conservatives overall.

Special Report: 3.4% of U.S. Adults Identify as LGBT

An unprecedented Gallup study involving more than 120,000 interviews finds that 3.4% of U.S. adults identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender; the highest incidence is among those who are nonwhite, younger, and less educated.


U.S. Economic Confidence Best Since May

Americans' economic confidence improved last week to the highest level since late May, adding to a surge that began in early September and has been driven largely by Democrats and independents.

U.S. Economic Confidence Up Modestly

U.S. economic confidence increased slightly to -19 last week, up from -21 the week prior. The majority of Republicans (81%) and independents (56%) say the economy is getting worse; 74% of Democrats say it is getting better.

U.S. Consumer Spending Slows in September

Americans' self-reported daily spending stalled out in September, falling to an average of $74, after climbing for two months and reaching $77 in August, its highest level in nearly four years.


For Most in EU, Life Is Not Improving

EU residents' life evaluation ratings show little or no improvement in 2012, and in some countries, they have worsened. A stark divide exists between the North, where majorities are thriving, and the South and East, where majorities are struggling.

Americans Who Like Where They Live Are in Better Health

Americans who feel safe in or satisfied with their communities are in better physical health. They are less likely to experience physical pain, to be obese, and to report having ever been diagnosed with high blood pressure or diabetes.

Germans Exercise More Than Britons, But Eat Less Healthy

Germans are much more likely than Britons to exercise frequently, with German women in particular outperforming their counterparts in the UK. But British men and women are more likely to eat healthy compared with Germans.


Women Worldwide Less Confident Than Men in Elections

Women worldwide are less confident than men in the honesty of elections, with the divide most evident in high-income countries. Women are also less confident than men in most countries classified as "full democracies."

In Kenya, Most Registered Voters Lack Required Voting Card

About two-thirds of registered voters in Kenya lack the voting card required to vote in the 2013 presidential election, revealing that most who think they are properly registered are not, highlighting confusion about new voting rules.

Kenya Votes 2013: Attitudes Toward the Election, Judicial System, and Security

New findings from Gallup studies funded by the East Africa Index provide insight into Kenyans' voting intentions and their views of key social and economic issues ahead of their March 2013 presidential election.

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