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      CBO: "Fiscal cliff" would spark recession

      WASHINGTON (AP) — A new government report says the so-called fiscal cliff would send the economy back into recession and cause a spike in the jobless rate to 9.1 percent by next fall.

      The Congressional Budget Office analysis says the combination of automatic tax increases and spending cuts would cut the deficit by $503 billion through next September. But that would cause the economy to shrink by 0.5 percent next year.

      The report comes as a newly re-elected President Barack Obama and Congress are seeking ways to avert the problems.

      The study estimates that America's gross domestic product would grow by 2.2 percent if the Bush-era tax rates were extended and expand by almost 3 percent if Obama's payroll tax cut and jobless benefits for the long-term unemployed are extended.



      • Bob  •  23 hrs ago
        Americans to the CBO: " We never left the recession" !!!!
        • William Allen 22 hrs ago
          bob i was going to say the exact same thing and add were headed to a depression
      • Gab  •  23 hrs ago
        hahaha tell that to tens of millions of people who still live in the recession
      • JERRY  •  22 hrs ago
        Now I'm confused. First the CBO says tax hikes on the wealthy won't curb growth. Now they say tax hikes on the wealthy WITH spending cuts would spark a recession. What's up?
        • GT 20 hrs ago
          Are you brack?
      • Lost and Found  •  22 hrs ago
        "Spark" a recession? That would be a spark in a forest fire.
      • Jimmy  •  23 hrs ago
        Prices of everything go up the more money we print, since there is no real tangible asset backing it - just the promise of the government.
      • E E  •  23 hrs ago
        Well tough, let it come, it may be the only way the American people will wake up and see the writing on the wall...
      • MikeH  •  22 hrs ago
        This whole super commitee was stupid in the first place and they couldn't agree on anything so now you have this stupid all of the sudden crisis, I say let it go over the cliff, its going to happen sooner or later. doesn't matter who is in office, this thing is going to bite us all in the but sooner or later.
      • VBGirl  •  22 hrs ago
        WHY is the Pentagon just announcing TODAY that Iran shot down a drone on November 1st? Did someone have a little "communication problem" again????
        • Chad 21 hrs ago
          That means that we will have answers (lies) to the Libyan attack (not terrorist) any month now.
      • Gabrielle  •  23 hrs ago
        Hey Barrack---have you told your welfare junkies that their EBT cards may come in the mail with an IOU from you? I bet that was not mentioned on your chitty campaign trail of lies. LMAO
        • Chad 21 hrs ago
          Can't wait for the backlash! Of course, they'll blame the rich, instead of thanking them.
      • Lead Apron Please  •  22 hrs ago
        I'm seeing a 3.2% drop in GDP...anybody else get that ??
        • Nigel 21 hrs ago
          If that happens, yeah.
      • Gabrielle  •  23 hrs ago
        It's does not get any better than this. You could literally TAKE all the wealth from the "rich" in this nation and it would produce enough revenue to keep dc running for 80 days. You Liberal tax and spenders are so ignorant. I guess you're like obama--he told Leno he stopped helping his daughter with her math when she reached 7th grade since it "was too hard". LMAO LMAO
        • Lead Apron Please 22 hrs ago
          You are correct Gabrielle -- They have both mislead the people.
          It's the "My guy is innocent" routine that kills me.
      • todd  •  22 hrs ago
        We will not have to wait for 9.1 unemployment until next fall.
      • Marine1952  •  22 hrs ago
        obama's policies will spark the next recession!
        • Nigel 22 hrs ago
          If that were in any way true, we'd already be ina DEPRESSION after the mess Bush left. Grow up, Clown, and get with the program. Either join the discourse to find a solution or step aside and let the adults handle it.
      • Dave Dixon  •  22 hrs ago
        Frankly, what the CBO projects sounds better than I expect we'll see if we give Obama everything he wants again. We did that for his first two years and all we saw was an exploding debt.
        • Nigel 21 hrs ago
          Dave - The GOP set a filibuster record the first two years. Now that the election is over, how about learning and accepting some facts for a change?
      • Chad  •  21 hrs ago
        Wait until January, the uneployment rate will be 10%+. Welcome to your second term Obama. America needs a wake up call, here it comes!!
      • porpoiseboy  •  22 hrs ago
        so if this won't be barry's fault....right?
      • Al Jolson  •  23 hrs ago
        We earned it with our election bring it on!!
      • Kevin  •  23 hrs ago
        Would CUT the deficit by $500 Billion? LOL FYI - $500 Billion is the fn "interest only" payment we make on the Debt each year........; It is the DEBT that will kill us, and ANY deficit will just continue to grow the debt. Wake up - there are no plans to ever touch the growing debt..... This is just pocket change....... Locked in entitlement growth will continue to grow the debt and you can take Every Dime we all make and not touch it!!!!!! This is the truth neither party wanted to touch during the election.......... Go back to sleep everything will be ok..........
      • FIFTYSOMETHING  •  22 hrs ago
        No one cares. All Americans care about right now is how much free stuff they can get from President Santa Clause.
      • Rooster  •  22 hrs ago
        here's to hoping that russian guy was right about the U.S.breaking apart.although i don't like all of his geography.
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