Mario Diaz-Balart

Mario Diaz-Balart


I am proud to represent the 21st Congressional District of Florida and serve on the Committee on Appropriations.

Miami, FL and Washington, DC ·

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Cap Hill comm lost a great colleague and friend last night. My prayers are with the family of Steve Vermillion.

Pro-growth tax reform & common-sense spending restraint would avert the fiscal cliff that jeopardizes our economy & security -

Immigration proposals for 2013 begin to pile up in Congress. FL Republican restarts his. Details tonight on

Propuestas migratorias para el 2013 empiezan a acumularse en Congreso. Republicano de FL relanzo la suya. Detalles en

Diaz-Balart condena arresto de líderes por la democracia Antonio Rodiles y Ángel Santiesteban

ICYMI: Diaz-Balart Condemns Brutal Arrest of Pro-Democracy Activists Antonio Rodiles and Ángel Santiesteban

New redistricting maps don't go into affect until Jan. Please contact your current member of Congress for assistance until then.

Thinking of those who served our country so bravely, and grateful for those who still do.

Thanks for kind words & wishes you've extended. I look forward to continue representing SoFL in DC & fighting for issues that are imp to you

Our DC office is closed today, but if you need assistance, please reach out to our Miami office at (305) 470-8555.


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