Standards for Excellence Institute welcomes Darryl A. Jones, Sr. - New Chief Executive Officer
We are thrilled to announce that Darryl A. Jones, Sr. will join us as our new chief executive officer. Most recently, Jones has served as the chief executive officer of Communities in Schools of the Nation’s Capital.  He will assume this position as CEO of the Standards for Excellence Institute and the Maryland Association of Nonprofit Organizations on Monday, November 3, 2008.
Prior to Jones’s tenure with CIS of the Nation’s Capital, he held leadership roles with the National Crime Prevention Council, The Village Foundation, and the National Law Enforcement Integrity Institute.  Jones began his professional life as a police officer with the Prince George’s County Police Department, rising to posts including president of the local police union and the Maryland State Fraternal Order of Police.

Quick Links

Find a Standards for Excellence® Certified Nonprofit - There are now more than 150 nonprofits that have been awarded the Standards for Excellence® Seal of Excellence. Click here to view a list of Certified Organizations.

Meet our Members - The Standards for Excellence Institute®'s membership is growing. Click here to meet some of the institute's first members and replication partners.

On the Road to Excellence - Standards for Excellence Institute® staff have been criss-crossing the country to spread the word about the Standards for Excellence®. Click here for information about both past and upcoming presentations.

Standards in Action - We're beginning to keep a list of some of the interesting ways that organizations are putting the Standards to use. Click here for more information.

Standards for Excellence Institute® Newsletter Click here>>

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About the Institute

America’s nonprofit sector is committed to public service. Hard at work in communities across the country, nonprofit organizations are serving and meeting the needs of our citizens and strengthening our communities.

The success of nonprofit organizations depends upon public confidence and broad public support. Nonprofits are supported by individuals, corporations and foundations through charitable contributions and volunteer effort; by government through contracts and grants; by consumers through purchases and fees; and by the general public through state and federal tax laws.

The Standards for Excellence Institute® is committed to raising the level of ethics and accountability in nonprofit organizations. We invite you to explore our site, learn about the Standards for Excellence® program and get involved!






Nonprofits are priceless public assets
The Delaware Association of Nonprofit Agencies recently partnered with the Standards for Excellence Institute® to begin offering the standards program throughout Delaware. Based on the principles of honesty, integrity, fairness, respect, trust, compassion and responsibility, this program sets 55 performance standards for nonprofits to meet. Over the next year, DANA will offer training for nonprofits to implement the standards. Read full article>>

Become a Licensed Consultant

Information is now available on the 2008 Licensed Consultant Training in September.  Find out more>>

Review of the Standards for Excellence® in Vantage Point
In the June 2008 issue of Vantage Point, Volunteer Vancouver's newsletter, Brian Fraser reviews the Standards for Excellence®: An Ethics and Accountability Code for the Nonprofit Sector.
Read full article>>

2007 National Nonprofit Ethics Survey

The Ethics Resource Center (ERC) has just released its 2007 National Nonprofit Ethics Survey (NNES).  This report, which is the Center's first distinct report on the nonprofit sector, is the last in its series of three reports focusing on the ethics of specific sectors.  ERC's 2007 NNES provides the only nationally projectable view of ethics within the nonprofit sector, taking into account organizations of all size and focus.  According to the report, "The nonprofit sector that for so long enjoyed a better reputation with regard to its ethics now exhibits many of the shortcomings the Ethics Resource Center found in it companion surveys of public and private sectors."  On the other hand, the report cites that "When compared with for-profit businesses and government institutions, nonprofit organizations still exhibit stronger ethical cultures and a greater alignment of employees' personal values with the missions and values of their organizations." 

The report can be downloaded free of charge here or by visiting ERC's home page.

The Standards for Excellence® Institute partners with National Leadership on Church Management -
Code now available for Catholic dioceses, parishes and nonprofits.  Read the 1/11/08 press release>>

Independent Sector misses an opportunity to help increase trust in the public sector . Peter Berns's November 1 article in The Chronicle of Philanthropy entitled A Missed Opportunity to Ensure Real Charity Accountability

Standards for Excellence Institute® cited by Government Accountability Office in testimony to U.S. Congress, House of Representatives, Committee on Ways and Means, Subcommittee on Oversight.
Government Accountability Office (GAO) released "Nonprofit Sector: Increasing Numbers and Key Role in Delivering Federal Services", a report that  explores and identifies the significance of the nonprofit sector in the economic and social development of our country. An abstract and one page summary are also available.

First National Organizations Awarded Seal of Excellence

The Standards for Excellence Institute® is pleased to announce that The National Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) Association is the first of three national organizations to be awarded the Seal of Excellence by The Standards for Excellence Institute after successfully completing the voluntary certification process.   Also awarded the Seal of Excellence are Homestretch, Inc. of Falls Church, Virginia and the Community Development Partnership of West Virginia.  Receiving the Seal is recognition that these nonprofit organizations operate with the highest standards of accountability and ethics.  View Full Press Release (5/16/07)

New National Model Employee Handbook

The Standards for Excellence Institute® is pleased to announce the availability of the new, national model employee handbook. This handbook contains polices that you can adapt to your own organization. Notes are also included on how to revise and customize the Handbook to meet your particular needs. The notes discuss the legal requirements in certain policy areas and suggest what your organization can do to ensure compliance. The handbook is available free to Institute members to download in pdf format from the Members-only portion of the Standards for Excellence Institute website.

If you want to edit the Handbook without retyping, Institute members may also purchase the Word version of the national model employee handbook for a fee of $100. If you are interested in purchasing a copy, please download this order form and send it with payment to the Standards for Excellence Institute, Attn: Amy Coates Madsen, 190 West Ostend Street Suite 201 Baltimore, MD 21230

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