Judy Chu

Judy Chu


Official Twitter account for Judy Chu, Representing California's 32nd District in the U.S. House of Representatives

El Monte, CA · http://chu.house.gov

I applaud Obama’s call for real talks to solve the fiscal cliff. Here’s my blog calling for a sequestration solution:

NEW: Sgt. guilty on only 1 of 3 charges for Danny Chen . Unacceptable – Leaders must be held accountable!

Today is Election Day! Polls are open until 8PM here in California. Here’s where you can find more information:

Working with CHIRLA to emphasize the importance of getting out the immigrant vote and preserving Deferred Action!

Huge win: ruled unconstitutional today by fed appeals court for 2nd time! Down w/ this hateful law!

wld raise RX costs for 5.5 million seniors by an avrg of more than $9,200 each! Here’s the impact for CA32:

You can file complaints w/ fed govt against abusive creditors & lenders. File complaints here:

Mix It Up at Lunch Day is about ending . Attacking the effort w/divisive slanders helps bullies & divides kids:

report shows American workers are fighting back & President’s policies are working. has no excuses – pass !

Pemuatan tampaknya berlangsung agak lama.

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