Judy Chu

Judy Chu


Official Twitter account for Judy Chu, Representing California's 32nd District in the U.S. House of Representatives

El Monte, CA · http://chu.house.gov

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I applaud Obama’s call for real talks to solve the fiscal cliff. Here’s my blog calling for a sequestration solution:

NEW: Sgt. guilty on only 1 of 3 charges for Danny Chen . Unacceptable – Leaders must be held accountable!

Today is Election Day! Polls are open until 8PM here in California. Here’s where you can find more information:

Working with CHIRLA to emphasize the importance of getting out the immigrant vote and preserving Deferred Action!

wld raise RX costs for 5.5 million seniors by an avrg of more than $9,200 each! Here’s the impact for CA32:

Mix It Up at Lunch Day is about ending . Attacking the effort w/divisive slanders helps bullies & divides kids:

report shows American workers are fighting back & President’s policies are working. has no excuses – pass !

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