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Nunnelee Newsletter: The Best of America

On Tuesday, I stood with my colleagues on the east steps of the United States Capitol to remember the victims of the September 11, 2001 attack on America and to honor the heroes of the rescue that followed.  At the conclusion of this service Members of Congress, Republicans and Democrats, joined in singing God Bless America.  This hymn was sung by the Congress on 9-11 and has become a tradition to do so on each anniversary. Over the years, regardless of our differences, we have always united in the words of that hymn.

Click here to see video of Congress singing God Bless America.

On this day, I am reminded that America is a great nation because of her people, many of whom have given their lives in the fight for freedom.  Others have lived a life of service for that same cause.  Two of those people are my parents, Sandra and Pat Nunnelee, who have dedicated their lives to providing not just a home to children without one, but a family.  After raising four biological children and nearing the time in their lives where they would have an empty nest, my parents adopted three children and raised them as their own.  This week I was honored to present them with the Congressional Coalition on Adoption “Angels in Adoption” award.  I’m proud of my parents; they are an example of what is best about America.

Congressman Nunnelee speaking at the Angels in Adoption ceremony honoring his parents.

No matter the challenge, Americans have always risen to the occasion.  We have recovered from economic disasters, won world wars, faced down a communist empire, and withstood an unspeakable act of evil on a clear September morning in 2001.  With a firm commitment to the principles that made America the greatest nation in the history of the world, I believe this generation of Americans will not only endure, it will thrive. 

Stay in touch and God bless,