Scott DesJarlais

Scott DesJarlais


Republican Congressman for Tennessee's 4th Congressional District.

I hope my letter to the administration will provide clarity as to what happened with the terrorist attacks in Benghazi.

Headed to DC to keep the president from nominating individuals to important posts in gov. w/o congressional consent

Reflecting on the eleven years since September 11, 2001. We will never forget the lives lost. God bless America.

There are 23 million unemployed Americans who will have little to celebrate on Labor Day. Clearly we must change course

I penned an op-ed in today's Tennessean on the future of Medicare & why we must act now to protect this vital program

Link to my interview w/ Ralph Bristol on my legislation preventing the IRS from changing a major error in ObamaCare

It's illegal to use taxpayer dollars to lobby local govt, yet it happened w/ CPPW funds. What are you doing to ensure it stops?

Today is Military Spouse Appreciation Day. I want to express my thanks to military spouses. You are the unseen backbone of our military.

Sembla que triga molt a carregar-se.

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