Excused by Incompetence: Justice Department Inspector General Testifies on Scathing Fast & Furious Report

Finds Systemic Failure, Public Endangerment and Lack of Accountability under Holder

The 471-page report released on September 19, 2012 by the Department of Justice’s Inspector General Michael Horowitz is a step toward restoring the public’s faith in the Department of Justice. It confirms what the Oversight Committee has known for quite some time: the Department of Justice has let the American people down.

Specifically, it confirms the fundamental conclusions found in the Committee's 19-month investigation of Operation Fast and Furious. This includes the inexcusable response from senior Department officials to legitimate inquiries from Congress.

Fast and Furious was a breach of the public trust. It contributed to the tragic murder of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry and the deaths of countless innocent Mexican citizens. Click here to to learn more
