Rep. DesJarlais Discusses the Criteria Behind the Administration's Green Jobs Numbers

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Published on Jun 7, 2012 by

Rep. Scott DesJarlais (R-TN) goes on Fox News' Fox & Friends to discuss the Obama Administration's definition of a 'green job,' which includes oil lobbyists, bus drivers, and garbage collectors.


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  • DesJarlais was having sex with some girl (not his wife) and got her pregnant. He then demanded she get an abortion. Look it up, it's all over the internet now.

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  • I don't know anything about a mistress-who are you talking about? I watch CNN & MSNBC some too and find that they just skim over the news, if even they say anything about it, when it comes to the liberals and some of their talking points. I don't know what you mean by philistines.

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  • But don't you think it's hard to trust Fox when they use extremely hypocritical politicians that say they are a pro-life family man, but in private ask their mistress to have an abortion? Liberals don't degrade Fox, all they do is show Fox for the hypocrisy that was already there to start with - Fox is run by such philistines that all it would take to bring them down is a mirror.

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  • So. Incredibly. Disgusting.

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  • Reports like this to all of us is what makes Fox more trust worthy than the liberal media that will not report anything that is detrimental to Obama. If it were Bush they'd be all over it ! with claws at the ready. The liberals will always try to degrade Fox simply because they don't have open minds to consider something that differs from their democratic beliefs. They can not consider the other's side. They are not willing to be flexible

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