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News: Symposium highlights training options at center

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Symposium highlights training options at center Lance Cpl. Tyler Vernaza

Marines use the indoor simulated marksmanship trainer at the Training Devices Expo Oct. 5. The ISMT is designed to enhance the warriors's marksmanship abilities and weapon employment techniques to prepare for annual ranges and combat marksmanship.

CAMP HANSEN, Japan - Uniforms change, weapons change and tactics change, but one thing that does not change for Marines is that they train like they fight.

Technology, as showcased at a Training Devices Expo at The Palms Club on Camp Hansen Oct. 5, is helping Marines maintain that training concept, according to expo organizers.

The Tactical Training Devices and Simulators Section, Marine Air-Ground Task Force Integrated Systems Training Center, sponsored the expo which included static displays of operational equipment and training tools. The displays allowed service members to learn about training opportunities available to them on Okinawa.

“All the equipment here is designed to establish home station training,” said Anthony Woodard, training devices manager with the Combat Camera Center. “With all the equipment the military has now, Marines can get [predeployment] training almost anywhere they’re at.”

The idea behind the expo was "train local, fight global." With an ever-changing enemy and hundreds of thousands of troops deployed around the world, the gear displayed at the expo showed the service members how versatile and adaptable the Marine Corps has become.

The Deployable Virtual Training Environment was one of the many training tools on display. The DVTE is a computer program designed to train deployed Marines in a number of individual skill sets like Joint Tactical Air Control, Close Combat and a variety of tactical vehicle simulations.

During the Training Devices Expo, Marines also tried the indoor simulated marksmanship trainer, where they fired a variety of simulation crew-served weapons and small arms. The ISMT is designed to enhance the warriors’ marksmanship abilities and weapon employment techniques.

Another training tool on display at the symposium was the Combined Arms Command and Control Training Upgrade System. CACCTUS is a computer-based system set up at the center. The system offers combat operation scenarios set in a variety of areas of operation. CACCTUS provides commanders and their staffs realistic environments and combat scenarios. Training can be conducted individually, in fire teams or as entire battalions.

“All the tools at the expo are specifically designed for sustainment and improvement in combat skills for any service member in an occupational specialty,” said Herbert Gray, director for Combat Camera Center.

“This equipment just wasn’t around five to 10 years ago. Luckily, we have it now, and we can train troops in any number of applications,” he said.

Gray says, although nothing can replace live fire, simulations and virtual training exercises are an important part of keeping Marines ready in any clime and place.

For more information or to schedule training, call 623-7324.

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Date Taken:10.13.2011

Date Posted:10.13.2011 02:01


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