


Proudly serving Ohio's beautiful fourth district.

Washington, DC

Today, we thank our veterans for their dedication to our country and remember those who have made the ultimate...

Check out @stosselfbn's show, "After The Welfare State" - 9pm EST tonight on Fox Business Channel.

Thanks to the USA Olympic Wrestling Team for stopping by our office today. What a great group of hard-working...

September 11th was a day of both horror and heroism. While radical terrorists showed the worst side of humanity,...

Thank you to all who have contacted our office about HR 459, a bill that I strongly support as a cosponsor. Watch...

The Court’s decision is disappointing. There are now no limits to the reach of the federal government. The...

I commend Chairman Issa for conducting the Fast & Furious investigation in a thorough, fair, and responsible...

RT : Twitter Follower Bomb is on! Will you help me to 10k followers by Friday @ 5 pm to win GOP New Media Challenge?

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