8-3-2012 - "Thank You Indiana" Wall at the State Fair PDF Print
Friday, 03 August 2012 14:11

Wall  MRP and MJP at wall

pic of MRPs father and signed letter at wall

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Today was the start of one of Indiana's finest traditions: the Indiana State Fair. This morning I had the opportunity to thank Hoosiers for their support of our service men and women at the "Thank You Indiana" display that was organized by the Indiana National Guard. The banner features name tapes of Hoosier heroes who have served our great state and nation. In addition to reading the names of those who've served, I presented a letter thanking Hoosiers for their support as well as a photo of my late father who served in Korea. We are incredibly blessed to have so many men and women in uniform who have served, and we are grateful for all Hoosier citizens who have supported them.

The below is a letter I wrote in support of this very meaningful gesture.

Dear Fellow Hoosiers:

Thank you for supporting the brave Hoosier men and women serving our country. Their service has preserved our freedom, kept our homeland secure and provided the hope of liberty to millions.

Every day, thousands of our Hoosier heroes put their lives in harm's way, and we remain eternally grateful for their courage as well as the sacrifice of their families. These men and women choose to wear the uniform, and we can only begin to repay that debt with respect and understanding.

Hoosiers in communities across this state have come together to support our military. Throughout the course of our conflicts, Hoosiers have lent their time, treasure and talent to ensure our warfighters had some of the comforts of home. I have seen our towns and cities come to a halt to honor the return of a fallen Hoosier. I have seen sports arenas filled with well-wishers as the citizen soldiers of the Indiana National Guard prepared to go downrange. And I have seen communities and organizations offer a helping hand to returning soldiers who bear the visible and invisible scars of war as they transition back to civilian life.

Hoosiers are proud of the selfless individuals who personify bravery and honor while serving in the Armed Forces. We are awed and indebted by their resolve and their ability to endure hardship, and I continue to be grateful for all of the Hoosier citizens who support those who defend our great nation.


Mike Pence