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Sam Graves

Sam Graves
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  • Government Official
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  1. I am honored to continue to represent north Missouri. We are facing many challenges and there is a lot of work to be done but I am committed to strengthening us by improving our economy. I am proud to bring Missouri values to Washington and thank you for your support.
  2. It has now been over 3 and a half years and $5 trillion in additional debt since the Senate has passed a budget. This is not an acceptable way to govern.
  3. My thoughts and prayers are with those affected by Hurricane Sandy. My staff is back in my Washington DC office today if you need assistance, thank you for your patience.
  4. The Obama administration's refusal to publish its regulatory agenda holds repercussions for our economy:

    "The law requires the Federal agencies to reveal their regulatory plans twice a year, but since this administration is content to igno...
    re the Regulatory Flexibility Act, these plans have not been offered, and small businesses are left to expect the worst. Planning for the worst does not entail investing, growing, or hiring. So, our economy remains stagnant."
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  5. “Single biggest risk” to expanded oil and gas production (and the jobs it creates) is President Obama’s EPA according to The Wall Street Journal.

    “The single biggest risk to this expanded production is his own Environmental Protection Agency, which is desperate to regulate fracking at the national level. States do the job now, and for the most part very well, but Mr. Obama won't say if he'd stop the EPA in a second term.”
  6. My article in The Hill Newspaper:

    “We need leadership that makes small businesses a priority. They are our best job creators. That’s a high value in this economy. We cannot continue expecting businesses to roll with endless punches and com...
    e back to hire again. They need certainty. Certainty that won’t come if the president pursues a tax and regulatory agenda that knows no bounds and yields to no obstacle.

    “What the president fails to see is that the big government he is creating with reckless abandon is the obstacle to the economic growth we so desperately need. We need to get the government out of the way to allow job creators to lift the economy as they invest in their businesses again.”
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  7. Great Report by the Majority Leader, "The Imperial Presidency," about the President's history of skirting the legislative process:

    "This report exposes the Obama administration's pattern of relentless government expansion that creates harm...
    ful uncertainty for small businesses. As job creators, small businesses should be a real priority, not a regulatory target. From the unprecedented power of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to the costly health care law, employers face new burdens under the administration's misplaced priorities. Small businesses told an NFIB survey this month they do not expect to hire in the next year, a result of the President's failed policies.

    “We need to get the government out of the way to allow job creators to lift the economy as they invest in their businesses again. The President has shown time and again a lack of understanding of how businesses grow in the real world. As the Administration continues to skirt the deliberative legislative process and ignore current law, small businesses are left to operate in a cloud of tax and regulatory uncertainty."
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  8. Via the Washington Post on the impact of the President’s healthcare reform:

    “It will make the health-care system more confusing (see above), costly and contentious. It won’t control health spending — the system’s main problem — and will weaken job creation.”
  9. New small business study by The Hartford shows small businesses aren't encouraged by the tax and regulatory environment; 2 out of three don't expect to hire in the next 12 months.
    Photo: New small business study by The Hartford shows small businesses aren't encouraged by the tax and regulatory environment; 2 out of three don't expect to hire in the next 12 months.
  10. via The Wall Street Journal under the Obama administration the EPA is "on a regulatory binge like nothing in modern U.S. history against traditional carbon-based sources of energy, coal in particular."
  11. I’m happy to introduce H.R. 6575, a bipartisan bill that will allow Medicare doctors and nurses to focus more of their time on patients.

    While I believe we must continue to identify and correct verifiable fraud, hospitals have been buried ...
    in the administrative burdens put on them by Medicare audit contractors. Doctors and nurses should be focused on caring for patients, not trying to comply with the ever increasing requests for documents.

    My bill would put in place common sense reforms allowing auditors to still conduct adequate oversight of billing problems without an open-ended invitation from CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) to continually bombard hospitals.

    Our smaller, rural hospitals are especially ill-equipped to deal with this increased administrative burden. When I heard about this issue from many of the small town, rural hospitals in my district, I was concerned and knew we had to act on their behalf.
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  12. Gas prices have doubled since President Obama took office, while the Obama Administration continues to block access to energy reserves including blocking 23 million acres of National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska land. The Alaska congressional delegation says the decision is:

    “The largest wholesale land withdrawal and blocking of access to an energy resource by the federal government in decades.”

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