USCapitol's photostream / Tags / greatexperimenthall


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Washington's Inauguration, 1789 by USCapitol

Iron Foundry, circa 1850 by USCapitol

The Library of Congress in the Capitol, 1800-1897 by USCapitol

Steam Powered Amphibious Boat, 1804 by USCapitol

The Declaration of Independence, 1776 by USCapitol

The Smithsonian Institution, 1855 by USCapitol

The Monroe Doctrine, 1823 by USCapitol

The Mayflower Compact, 1620 by USCapitol

The Constitutional Convention, 1787 by USCapitol

The First Continental Congress, 1774 by USCapitol

The Albany Congress, 1754 by USCapitol

Women's Suffrage Parade, 1917 by USCapitol

Lincoln's Second Inaugural, 1865 by USCapitol

The First Federal Congress, 1789 by USCapitol

Washington's Farewell Address, 1796 by USCapitol

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