USCapitol's photostream / Tags / capitol


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Shuttle Discovery flies by the U.S. Capitol Building by USCapitol

Shuttle Discovery flying past the U.S. Capitol Dome by USCapitol

Shuttle Discovery flying past the U.S. Capitol Dome by USCapitol

U.S. Capitol Building in Snow - February 2010 Blizzard by USCapitol

February 2010 Blizzard by USCapitol

February 2010 Snowstorm at the U.S. Capitol by USCapitol

Capitol Steps by USCapitol

The Declaration of Independence, 1776 by USCapitol

Fall Foliage at the U.S. Capitol by USCapitol

Frieze of American History - U.S. Capitol by USCapitol

Presidential Inauguration by USCapitol

Capitol Dome by USCapitol

US Capitol West Front 1888 by USCapitol

Close up of the U.S. Capitol Dome and Shuttle Discovery by USCapitol

Shuttle Discovery by the U.S. Capitol Dome by USCapitol

Capitol Power Plant by USCapitol

Washington's Inauguration, 1789 by USCapitol

Iron Foundry, circa 1850 by USCapitol

The Library of Congress in the Capitol, 1800-1897 by USCapitol

Steam Powered Amphibious Boat, 1804 by USCapitol

The Smithsonian Institution, 1855 by USCapitol

Capitol Rotunda by USCapitol

Elevation of the Dome of the U.S. Capitol by USCapitol

Brumidi Corridor Restoration by USCapitol

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