Prevent. Protect. Respond. Recover.

Public Assistance

The Public Assistance Program provides Federal and State reimbursement assistance for the repair, replacement, or restoration of disaster damaged publicly owned and certain private non-profit facilities.

Eligible Applicants include:

  • State government agencies
  • Local governments
  • Indian Tribal governments
  • Certain Private Nonprofit organizations

Eligible Facilities Criteria includes:

  • be responsibility of eligible applicant
  • be located in designated disaster area
  • not under specific authority of another Federal agency
  • be in active use at the time of the disaster

Eligible Cost criteria:

  • reasonable and necessary to accomplish work
  • comply with Federal, State, & local requirements for procurement
  • reduced by all applicable credits (i.e. insurance, salvage)

Types of Eligible Work:

  • Emergency Work
    • A - Debris Removal
    • B - Emergency Protective Measures
  • Permanent Work (Restoration of):
    • C - Roads/Bridges
    • D - Water Control Facilities
    • E - Buildings/Equipment
    • F - Utilities
    • G - Parks, Recreational, and Other Facilities

For additional information, please see the Related Links.