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Danger Edition Week 39


Danger Edition Week 39

Video by Sgt. Thomas Kappus | 1st Infantry Division Headquarters | Date: 11.23.2010

This edition features stories about a tour of Iraq by a group of thriller writers, an NCO Induction Ceremony and the 1st Infantry Division using their facebook page to keep it's service members connected. Hosted... View Video

Big Red One's "Got BRO" Facebook Campaign


Big Red One's "Got BRO" Facebook Campaign

Video by Sgt. Deziree Lau | 1st Infantry Division Headquarters | Date: 11.08.2010

1st ID's Social Media NCOIC, Sgt. Jason Kemp promotes "Got BRO" (Big Red One), through Facebook. Includes sound bites from Seaman Matthew Prince, U.S. Navy CERP Budget Analyst, Highland, N.Y., Expeditionary... View Video

Victory Week Division Review 2010


Victory Week Division Review 2010

Video by Edward Faircloth | 1st Infantry Division Headquarters | Date: 06.19.2010

Package of Soldiers of the 1st Infantry Division participating in a division review ceremony, June 18 on Marshall Army Airfield, Fort Riley, KS. The formal Division Review featured nearly 1,100 Big Red One... View Video

History of the Big Red One Patch


History of the Big Red One Patch

Video by Spc. Richard Colletta | 4th Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division | Date: 06.12.2010

Package of the origin of the the 1st Infantry Division's Big Red One patch. Produced by Sgt. Richard Colletta. View Video