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Published on May 22, 2012 by


News & Politics


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  • While Reagan had the balls to blow the deficit through the roof (beyond everybody, but Bush) without blaming anybody else, Buc can only find ways to tack His decision which he made when he was waging, "a war of attrition" on our government touting the deficit! For Tax Cuts! But I Remember! He sided with the Tea Baggers who wanted everything on the table!

    The United States of Amnesia. Hold Him accountable.

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  • California is in a mess, the Gov wants to raise taxes...I agree, why not let the military do the jobs of contractors...QUIT sending the jobs overseas. The next area will be in China Lake!!

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  • I surely don't want to see the AV lose jobs from a defense cut. I also don't want to see our great nation crippled by debt. So what is the answer? Why not cut the fat and excess from our military budget? We spent a lot of money on the overseas "contractors" over the last 10 years or so. I'm not sure why our service men and women couldn't do the job the contractors did. Why not train our military to do the work in place of the "contractors". They're already on payroll, right?

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