Renee Ellmers

North Carolina's 2nd District

Recent News From Twitter
  • If the president would approve the Keystone XL Pipeline, our domestic supply would increase by 302 million barrels of oil per year. #energy
  • RT @DarrellIssa: Our @GOPOversight hearing on the security failures in Benghazi, #Libya will be webcast at 12 PM EST here: ...
  • We were told unemployment would be 5.5% if the $1.2 trillion “stimulus” was enacted, but there are 23 million unemployed & the rate is 7.8%.
Contact Information
DC Office 1533 Longworth HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Phone (202) 225-4531
Fax (202) 225-5662
Committee Assignments
Foreign Affairs
Small Business