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CMC and SMMC Talk to Troops via AFN Radio


CMC and SMMC Talk to Troops via AFN Radio

Video by Gunnery Sgt. Brian Griffin | American Forces Network Okinawa | Date: 08.11.2012

General James F. Amos, Commandant of the Marine Corps and Sergeant Major Micheal P. Barrett, Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps spoke with troops August 11, 2012 while on a tour of Okinawa,... View Video

CMC and SMMC talk to troops via AFN Radio (no title slates)


CMC and SMMC talk to troops via AFN Radio (no title slates)

Video by Gunnery Sgt. Brian Griffin | American Forces Network Okinawa | Date: 08.11.2012

General James F. Amos, Commandant of the Marine Corps and Sergeant Major Micheal P. Barrett, Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps spoke with troops August 11, 2012 while on a tour of Okinawa, Japan. Titles:... View Video